Last Updated on November 14, 2021 by Mubashir Rafique
In this blog post, you will see some cool genie names that you will surely like. You can use these catchy names anywhere you want.
This article includes some good names. So you can surely use them anywhere.
Without wasting any time.
Let’s Dive In.
Genie Names
Below are some best cute and catchy genie names that you can use:
- Aadil al-Marwain
- Anisim
- Labaat al-Mubur
- Aida
- Gorgo
- Dubheasa
- Isfu The Kind
- Ghakul The Intrepid
- Laashah
- Labullah
- Hamoos
- Calikarcha
- Khodaz The Giving
- Riyakha The Wise
- Dobby (
- Emed The Precious
- Furqaal al-Adees
- Kaiymail
- Oohesmaz
- Jasraa
- Idrosun
- Kidha
- Kalai The Pleasant
- Kendra
- Sadaila
- Bhaadol
- Raafaama
- Boobbin The Great
- Glandur
- Aladdin
- Jazzom The Loyal
- Grace
- Iseed
- Yaarro The Sane
- Blake
- Ikhe
- Zaasfof
- Jasaar
- Asozzoo The Kind
- Gunoz The Graceful
- Masfez
- Fadhi
- Uarhooshol The Lustrous
- Zuzzaid
- Najalaan
- Hamdanna al-Idraar
- Zezzahom
- Bhusse
- Razaan al-Arhad
- Maajeeda
- Ghebai
- Shaallliaa
- Uthmoos
- Jaaseen
- Shaamudam
- Thomas
- Ebol
- Izzen
- Ihu
- Uhaitel The Exalted
- Bhaham The Devoted
- Aza The Jolly
- Ritain The Mighty
Djinn Names
Following is the list of some good djinn names:
- Claire
- Ekhil
- Wathi The Rich
- Shuazzuashad
- Emerson
- Anqal
- Jashiah The Exalted
- Dhuassu The Fortunate
- Sizi
- Janotof
- Ohoorhun The Trustworthy
- Zoey Claire
- Bhubbi
- Tadheffen
- Lidri
- Kanees
- Ghidez
- Najur
- Aidan
- Saameefa
- Aarees
- Isaac Graham
- Khassa The Handsome
- Grayson
- Sidoh
- Masair
- Tiza
- Heteye
- Kate
- Azzaeel al-Abdeen
- Emmao
- Khairaidaan
- Bhaakirhush
- Uris The Vibrant
- Juheeba al-Wajala
- Masoh
- Ruqim
- Hamzeem
- Edi The Idolized
- Mason Cole
- Yaado
- Rowado
- Caroline Beth
- Audrey Jane
- Eedaissi
- Bihaakod The Adventurous
- Hubbuan
- Loki
- Elladan
- Leffen
- Nesmesan
- Chaika
- Mithiana
- Sinoom
- Albhutha
- Aarrasu
- Labeeb al-Arkarram
- Kanim al-Imad
- Kewaiya The Humble
- Sabrila al-Mudreem
- Bodosa
- Tufil
- Hinud
- Jack
Female Jinn Names
Enlisted you will see some clever female jinn names that you will like:
- Nadeeqa al-Zufad
- Khatil The Fesity
- Amon
- Nukashu
- Ghaassi
- Yoosara
- Dolion
- Sazum
- Ame
- Anaiz The Amazing
- Uza The Enlightened
- Goomakhu The Austere
- Aed
- Demontors
- Ibod The Bold
- Ushih
- Taarar al-Mazaar
- Nosmubem
- Eestu The Silent
- Adra
- Helmer
- Zino
- Soshal
- Charlotte
- Amffiu The Better
- Abbis
- Joy
- Thaissalleh
- Jostef
- Azaaya
- Phalssaah
- Haassokaim
- Haafeem
- Khairiya
- Zela
- Dishizus The Rewarding
- Iston
- Vilakkum
- Yizzai The Carefree
- Khiyain
- Jane
- Owen Lucas
- Emily
- Isheffa The Dreamy
- Giffith
- Anbaaf
- Oonqal The Amazing
- Alibaba
- Ossam
- Mafeeh
- Aya The Lustrous
- Rizzoo
- Yenaabish The Kind
- Eqel The Flawless
- Yadussa The Jolly
- Cyprn
- Nebbo
- Yosuf
- Weyasi
- Uhesfin The Grandiose
- Meyan
- Hadbaan
- Miskif
Middle Names Genie
Following is the list of some cool middle names genie:
- Ito The Marvelous
- Kidhah
- Shubrebbo The Adventurous
- David
- Ayu
- Maithah
- Alator
- Ethal
- Oliver
- Ahmeeh al-Muslih
- Dhooseshail The Luminous
- Nuzhaah al-Jaaseem
- Juweeba
- Pari
- Maril The Dreamy
- Bhabbebish The Generous
- Nathan James
- Shafa
- Gasafaal
- Kazaam
- Soffa
- Radwat
- Konaata The Scented
- Ghesha The Flawless
- Sozzesh
- Zushubrof
- Mudreera
- Aaqish al-Luwir
- Yoorabbof The First
- Jata The Victorious
- Aishluan
- Zaamarram al-Mujees
- Huwaam al-Haatar
- Yoosar
- Rukhom The Kind
- Ghaalaahil
- Marwid al-Jaraddiq
- Ivy Anne
- Oqirrud The Mysterious
- Hadul
- Muhjaahil al-Shukraam
- William
- Shabbid
- Joseph
- Anwir
- Sessuf
- Muammuddeen
- Khaso
- Gooqal
- Insaka al-Mutahim
- Nabib
- Ufomu The Tender
- Apuch
- Raahirrush
- Ruwooba
- Ghasmaa The Kindhearted
- Damush
- Aseefa
- Zuhith al-Fahmus
- Eemos The Wise
- Saaheef
- Kollah
- Aze The Gorgeous
- Yeese The Daring
- Levi Andrew
- Raneesh
- Seenom
- Alma
- Esszaaa
- Zorribi The Rich
- Eesmonesh
- Aso
- Thushawa
- Hamsaa
- Wismeeha
- Yimanas The Kindhearted
- Kreacher
Famous Genie Names
Below are some best cute and famous genie names that you can use:
- Gelus
- Iffif
- Kiziz
- Haithikh
- Rutef The Fortunate
- Juwika al-Taaraeel
- Izashil
- Itala
- Odhwia
- Nu
- Lia
- Naaseeq
- Haatus
- Musaqu
- Jubeel
- Ithu The Harmonious
- Abdah
- Noah
- Rinqe
- Saamullah al-Muslood
- Adih The Handsome
- Cole
- Aibaisom The Unequaled
- Aamazad
- Estiba The Rewarding
- Tuwi
- Ghatothkach
- Abboh The Extravagant
- Moral The Glorious
- Iyaddiq
- Ghassire
- Ghotmaa The Austere
- Umirhua The Vibrant
- MAwha
- Tufoor
- Amni The Light
- Uzuh The Heavenly
- Wesley Aaron
- Bhusfod
- Erhekhi
- Wethmaiul
- Beshehu
- Hanaeed
- Maike The Illustrious
- Marie
- Ealnor
- Jeelar
- Dirhutuz
- Ketissil The Majestic
- Abbammam al-Wasaaq
- Taaroob al-Mushaaz
- Yaithfoa
- Kekati
- Asbo
- Mukhaa
- Ghetorri
- Duanu The Mighty
- Zihistua
- Alif
- Yoonah al-Haajir
- Hamanna al-Labaad
- Neqezzif
- Michael
- Haanaimaan
- Calen
- Adhreer
- Leo
- Behi
- Kadhe
- Rushodo
- Bhossom The Proud
- Zistud
- Nadhaasa
- Kek
- Haku The Accomplished
- Gebribo
- Zaasih
- Thissedu The Lustrous
- Caroline
Baby Genie Names
Following is the list of some good baby genie names:
- Sezzahaz The Pure
- Affail
- Hilaaq
- Raadailim
- Dhesfil
- Saalaat al-Haithish
- Aashoobbif
- Cain
- Ruwaifa
- Aikhua
- Ihammil al-Haatammam
- Rajah
- Loffwiah The Silent
- Vivian Jade
- Rebu
- Awika
- Kuzzad
- Sulisa
- Hikmaana
- Nosmez The Simple
- Naseeka
- Yuseed
- Shiazi
- Haafeef al-Husaddiq
- Gunqul The Austere
- Mozehel
- Shimeebaz
- Shabad The Fortunate
- Akraidaan
- Rizila
- Ikhaal The Royal
- Mainossun
- Ghaalaahil al-Mutaaz
- Wiyai
- Huabbi
- Henry
- Zaakol
- Saareela
- Guasid
- Bhuberro The Radiant
- Faalaaq al-Murshaaid
- Mahmim al-Adnoor
- Dooqom
- Azazil
- . Wamnifa
- Asmida
- Haga
- Naadaaz al-Hilaaz
- Ridweeh al-Haazain
- Baaqailim
- Botom
- Archer Wade
- Jiassa The Adventurous
- Mudroona
- Zetsu
- Garelt
- Boshidel
- Tassozia The Lustrous
- Ghadhamel
- Shuzonal
- Itaffel
- Adha The Tender
- Rem
- Zemusu The Radiant
- Bhooko
- Jemo The Elegant
- Nabeer
- Uwluin
- Bahih al-Zakeef
- Dhaafah al-Amjil
- Rajeen al-Miqdailim
- Uthmish
- Shuabrabez
- Ghaasta
- Mae
- Mastu The Wonderful
- Adhraaba al-Masoor
- Shathloi
- Leo Alistair
- Rahika al-Hilaar
- Habeefa

How to Create Your Own Genie Names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a good name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some Genie Names from different sources, including novels, movies and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters in your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create simple and unique names
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
Here is a list of short and clever names.
- Boshe The Sane
- Oqu
- Bhezzo The Glorious
- Jafar
- Emma Catherine
- Dheenabif The Accomplished
- Arida
- Ghitaaz The Serene
- Lydia Harper
- Restash
- Wade
- Mahmeen
- Gari The Glorious
- Miyai
- Khidhi
- Yamedem
- Thuru
- Sydney Grace
- Sabbaz
- Etusuz The Glamorous
- Raluh The Royal
- Rorusmad
- Hakaha
- Jedul
- Miskeera
- Rimuazood
- Aleer
- Dasta
- Keboniz The Silent
- Besoz The Happy
- Haanara al-Haanaidaan
- Huqez
- Hissiba
- Dhaimed The Intrepid
- Jesse The Incredible
- Anwaeel
- Gellahe The Exalted
- Jubahim
- Anil
- Hibooh al-Jaadaddeen
- Hunuf The Wise
- Hatai
- Gizziheem
- Mutheeh
- Heekharru
- Anna
- Daril
- Eeqo
- Baaqallah
- Jehurud
- Elizabeth
- Fasaaba al-Aatib
- Olivia
- Shusfal The Fair
- Sefa
- Eesuze
- Anbaam al-Baaqad
- Eben The Luminous
- Rose
- Faril The Mighty
- Rahmeela
- Fahmaar al-Unoos
- Aami
- Naasis
- Hamzaddeen al-Haanur
- Emma
- Fahmaas al-Abbim
- Oliver Jude
- Udebra
- Ghuasid
- Gusesha
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something that is specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Genie Names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the sub-conscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they looks cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the names that include hard to spell words.
Here are some examples of easy inspiring names.
- Azmullah
- Muthaeed
- Shinbad
- Ayan
- Rasmin
- Mahaah
- Issas The Austere
- Ammeeb
- Rawdeela
- Wasaar
- Sazzonal
- Amani
- Aatal The Gifted
- Aazffee
- Faareef
- Garrett
- Sizzaf The Generous
- Iru The Fair
- Mashai
- Kisfiz
- Meffai
- Baatum
- Hibosh The Venerated
- Ganon
- Aseeq
- Bora
- Jitim The Courageous
- Misiria
- Muammees
- Akhu The Swift
- Muboora al-Tarala
- Mazuddeen
- Gibref
- Kimin
- Rifallah
- Oosu
- Spike
- Bhemoo
- Bede The Courageous
- Khureeh
- Kinai The Radiant
- Amassal
- Azra
- Bruxo
- Ivy
- Baheeb al-Salaah
- Anorril
- Sabain
- Haafeeja
- Matthew
- Dhizzobbain The Powerful
- Yuahashun The Superior
- Mamdair
- Oobriba The Serene
- Izan
- Tiya
- Burhah
- Vena
- Uamabuz The Superior
- Azil
- Fadaa
- Yasmun
- Ezllee
- Hamdaas
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.