Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
In this blog post, I have shared some clever and catchy annihilan names that you will like. You can use these names for yourself and also you can share them with anyone in the family. You can suggest these catchy names to your friends too, they can be used globally. We also have a lot of blogs related to the names category.
We have thousands of blogs that help you to find some good and catchy business names for your own business. You can also get some unique slogans and taglines for yourself through our website. So without wasting any single moment of your precious time, let’s dive into the list.
Annihilan Names
Here are some best annihilan names that you will like:
- Dornamiuth
- Khoth The Glutton
- Zhiphivoss The Lurking
- Ozzarin
- Vol The Warden
- Drorron
- Ith’uzouhj The Occult
- Rhulghijaas The All-Seeing
- Rar’gan
- Ukshuhrj The Whisperer
- Khoyulgrazz The Exterminator
- Zrugshozj The Senseless
- Jongrodan
- Zirthramaz
- Brurzanod
- Brillmon
- Bazgakez
- Rez’gamech
- Volgomon
- Uz’goxauz
- Gaz’gollal
- Or’gonoz
- Aggouss The Undying
- Zrigsahj The Slippery
- Xozgixun
- Sh’ruhj The Sneak
- Karron
- Hoph’luss The Lost
- Xogtheth
- Thaketh
- Khuctim The Conniver
- Shucguzz The Slippery
- Ullmazan
- Zhihrj The Frenzied
- Khack’thus The Everlasting
- R’khuhj The Indulgent
- Jarroz
- Thagroxog
- Zhuph’lovohrj The Malicious
- Rik’shuzaal The Obscured
- Engrak
- Zruth The Lurking
- Kogtholath
- Zagremath
- Z’uruk’zuth The Eternal
- Vagucgazj The Prowler
- Zagtizj The Exterminator
- Brar’irith
- Hr’our’ihrj The Debased
- Suksovol The Wakeful
- Z’utucgoc The Undying
- Hul The Infamous
- Ozorun
- Ghuth The Undying
- Zargrolaz
- Tegthos
- Xoguk
- Sh’ruhj The Aberrant
- R’aviph’lath The Wicked
- Trornanich
- Shis The Dissolute
- Khogguc The Slaughterer
- Kakshoth The Frenzied
- Dozzallan
- Zuss The Foul
- Khazj The Monstrous
- Ir’eroch
- Xannoreth
- Tonithoch
- Teglir
- Olgoc The Debauched
- Z’oss The Monstrous
- Ugodel
- Agthazor
- Rirthruug
- R’actotoss The Infamous
- Maz’gulor
- Kohrj The Consumer
- Kogthugul The Unhinged
- Vagrulath
- Ghuph’loc The Nefarious
- Zrazz The Wretched
- Jonnaloch
- Zrulthahihj The Tainter
- Karzuuk
Wow Annihilan Names
Below are some best wow annihilan names:
- Arzimag
- Tennuth
- Sogdrodar
- Argronid
- Xargarath
- Voz’geth
- Khukshim The Deceitful
- Suhrj The Sneak
- Ok’zuhrj The Monstrous
- Vengramoth
- Khurul’thohj The Abandoned
- Trozath
- Olgeman
- Hr’olghovozj The Undiminished
- Hr’azj The Keeper
- Alvuxith
- Ur’ozan
- Jar’gimol
- Xezzothan
- Ozorath
- Solruxor
- Jolmaren
- Orzonnun
- Begrathed
- Hr’olgruzam The Hidden
- Saalghis The Sentinel
- Xergrokis
- Zhoc The Wild
- Bagmenoth
- Xogdroth
- Zolgrahrj The Infamous
- Rostraniuk
- Sar’sal The Lurking
- Rhis The Ravager
- Aggal
- Zegmalloth
- Ralmin
- Barganed
- Zriyoph’luhrj The Eternal
- Mogrinuth
- Khuzj The Glutton
- Z’octum The Secretive
- Binoraath
- Trozzixon
- Rhar’sohoc The Devious
- Vazomen
- Thozoch
- Ror’golen
- Shoss The Exploiter
- Velgrullon
- Shur’uhj The Lost
- Ogshohrj The Insomnious
- R’khor’ohj The Insomnious
- Soz’gorauth
- S’rahj The Wakeful
- Xulgrakach
- Kag’drallod
- Trelvik
- Hr’aack’thuss The Abysmal
- Trogdraros
- Joz’gunnon
- Sh’rovalgrizz The Conniver
- Gir’ath
- Xurthrith
- Ghuphruth The Perennial
- Hocktuss The Deviant
- Oz’galok
- Danomol
- Z’ozj The Savage
- Shos The Ravager
- Og’drerach
- Ag’dridan
- Zir’suzouss The Infinite
- Doz’ganes
- Rhulgrijuzz The Slippery
- Hophrarok The Insomnious
- Z’uk The Overseer
- Sagthin
- Haruthruc The Deviant
- Rur’illol
- Tal’ger
- Hr’aguk’zohrj The Distorted
- Jirnuzak
- Orrath
- Vaguth
- Trag’thoron
- Solgog
- Kuzj The Undying
- Orunoz
- Hathgoth The Obscure
- Drogthos
- Vok’zozj The Everlasting
- Rozolgruk The Demented
Annihilan Names Generator
Following are the best and catchy names that I have gathered from annihilan names generator:
- S’ruth The Slaughterer
- Khuck’thoraath The Devious
- Almathon
- Xuth’temoth
- Hr’octajic The Unsleeping
- Baggenith
- Rog’drorez
- Kogdrok
- Sil The Devious
- Sh’rum The Wakeful
- Zor’suhj The Debased
- Trag’drul
- Kur’gamag
- Tronnomuch
- Urthraros
- Zhoth’rotok The Lurker
- Gaglorok
- Magroz
- Drollminos
- S’royuth’im The Senseless
- Trol’gallal
- Dugrelan
- Girnathaz
- Thazgoxon
- Atick’thaass The Hidden
- Gilrollon
- Guth’toloth
- Zorgruthon
- Sol’thivaazj The Tainter
- Shoss The Aberrant
- Brograran
- Vornoth
- Trazgoxod
- Kozzanoth
- Brilgroman
- Vuth The Keeper
- Vornenod
- Karakath
- Orreman
- Sogekon
- Kolgron
- Tralganuk
- Ogmamith
- Ug’tholloth
- Dor’oxin
- Argonog
- Xokon
- Elmomath
- Rhaak’shuzz The Whisperer
- Braggadok
- Xistran
- Hr’ic The Concealed
- S’rophurizj The Conniver
- R’ijok’shozz The Vicious
- Engramauch
- Darthrozan
- Tugthamoth
- Bririuch
- Oracguhrj The Lurking
- Hucktak The All-Seeing
- Jig’thak
- Thoz’gazik
- Khigolgoum The Insomnious
- Brarroron
- Ugkus The Frenzied
- Huth The Taint
- Kurzith
- Sh’rugshogith The Obscure
- Julgranath
- Vuzz The Dissolute
- Orgathoz
- Ginnilloth
- Bugdrexal
- Breglaren
- Tarthroron
- S’rock’thok The Concealed
- Aggas
- Souzj The Perennial
- Gongroth
- S’rok’zutozz The Unfading
- Arzaran
- Kuk’shus The Frenzied
- R’itaagkahj The Secretive
- Berixuth
- Hr’ogshivuc The Absent
Catchy Wow Annihilan Names
Below are some best catchy wow annihilan names:
- Zirkanas
- Bezrexan
- Khogaakshus The Unfathomable
- Xorgozol
- Zelgith
- Zoggerud
- Zhuzugshuk The Perpetual
- Hophrum The All-Seeing
- Sigdrannos
- Kazgod
- Gir’ganath
- Shum The Obscured
- Bronnuroz
- Kovath’ozz The Degenerate
- Shocktok The Tainter
- Zolgiud
- Zrazz The Sneak
- Shukshogum The Feeder
- Z’us The Wandering
- Sagmaleth
- Jukin
- Garnonoth
- Brukomun
- Venothaal
- Katouph’lith The Devious
- Olvixath
- Brargor
- Varnomad
- Rhagiphrozj The Concealed
- Zorrath
- Trakiruth
- Eggollith
- Bogros
- Z’ictal The Sleepless
- Rhaazj The Occult
- Rhagsutoss The Deceitful
- Arkunnech
- Elvozeth
- Ir’uhrj The Snide
- Braglaz
- Ollmeth
- Khos The Guardian
- Goglodin
- Zroth’uzj The Occult
- Salvunad
- Kagrenoth
- Hothkohic The Wretched
- Bolrarath
- Z’ozuck’thoth The Unknowable
- Thar’gimok
- Ruph’loss The Debauched
- Thuzudon
- Dakennal
- Zrucgtoyuzz The Sneak
- Ogdrath
- Sog’druthon
- Rog’thozan
- Kulgror
- Tar’allith
- Drath’tikon
- Rakan
- Urralath
- Dalramas
- Brug’thomid
- Dig’thamag
- Yiggizahj The Sentinel
- Xolron
- Sh’ruzj The Guardian
- Ath’tomin
- Karthronnon
- Taggach
- Vazroxiug
- Zangreth
- R’khulgruc The Wandering
- Kostroth
- Rhuzj The Boundless
- Thorthroron
- Khol The Wriggler
- Xarkaxuth
- Gergrinnoth
- Sagukath
- Vuhj The Undying

How to Create Your Own Annihilan Names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a good name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some annihilan names from different sources, including novels, movies and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters in your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create simple and unique names
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
Here is a list of short and clever names.
- Tog’drollan
- S’rophruzz The Savage
- Shaathrajik The Defiler
- Kig’thath
- Bagroman
- Ginexath
- S’ram The Obscured
- Ram The Taint
- Arach
- Dur’ganoth
- Zhaayik’shizz The Deceiver
- Sarollath
- Gal’gol
- Khazj The Indulgent
- S’ravok’zol The Wandering
- Z’ajothgohj The Vigilant
- Mannith
- Ugsutohj The Unknowable
- Kothgohass The Prowler
- Zuzz The Gorger
- S’rum The Crawler
- Gagriz
- Bakonnith
- Yoth’oyoss The Dissolute
- Ravicgtiss The Sly
- Rhith’agol The Abandoned
- Siglareth
- Kolman
- Uggiroch
- Xez’gumin
- Sh’ruyoph’louhrj The Distorted
- Ker’ikad
- Tulgon
- Haath The Wakeful
- S’rizal’thos The Debased
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something that is specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Annihilan names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the sub-conscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they looks cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the names that include hard to spell words.
Here are some examples of easy inspiring names.
- Z’aphoth The Unending
- Zhuk The Eternal
- Oph’los The Insomnious
- Zarzeth
- Tagron
- Vicktouram The Abysmal
- Reg’thonak
- Hr’agtath The Malicious
- R’khal’thuvik The Slaughterer
- Thog’thalok
- R’khohj The Conniver
- Sh’rum The Deceiver
- Drargar
- Hr’oc The Sneak
- Kezzirech
- Xazzath
- Ophrouyuzz The Wicked
- R’oguthgok The Slaughterer
- Mor’gin
- Kurellon
- Molralon
- Jarrazen
- R’khaagthuhrj The Lurker
- Brorzan
- Bogguzok
- Inakar
- Argozus
- Tozramath
- Agmallin
- S’rim The Slippery
- S’rith The Concealed
- Sh’rugulgouss The Slitherer
- Khik The Devious
- Huth The Shrouded
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.