Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
Following is the blog that will help you to get some best unique Catalan names that you can use anywhere you want for free. These names are very useful for yourself and also the good thing about them is they can be easily shared with anyone you want for free. You can suggest them to your friends and family members.
We also have a lot of blogs related to name ideas and fantasy names on our website. They can help you to get the best business names related to your field and also we have some slogans that will surely gloom your business ideas and attract more people toward you. So without wasting any single moment, let’s dive in.
Catalan Names
Following is the list of some catalan names:
- Immaculada
- Nèstor Alberola
- Ulric Alzamora
- Borja Santamaria
- Ignaci Gelada
- Montserrat
- Jordi Ausona
- Pompeu Algueró
- Llorenç Munsec
- Roderic Batllori
- Roger Carmonas
- Òscar Coch
- Josep Negre
- Pau
- Dionís Bellsolà
- Oriol Bolivar
- Miquel Escalona
- Octavi Planchad
- Cristòfor Barnils
- Manel Dangla
- Melcion Segala
- Mar
- Bernabè Gramunt
- Clàudia
- Elies Roqueta
- Raül
- Cecili Esquerra
- Xavier
- Ariel Bahí
- Amèric Pladellorens
- Carles Pascal
- Julia
- Elisabet
- Aaron Cabratos
- Conradí Valen
- Adam Huete
- Aniol
- Samsó Llovet
- Conradí Badrenas
- Guim
- Melcion Garreta
- Urbà Casado
- Ulric Costabella
- Ulric Calafell
- Adam Centelle
- Esdres Dalmaus
- Lluc Salvatel
- Mateu Flores
- Josep Estalell
- Ferran Masa
- Agustí Riumbau
- Queralt
- Maria
- Galè Brunell
- Uries Carol
- Blanca
- Òscar
- Sergi
- Eric
- Roger Colomeda
- Robert
- Felip Ansaldo
- Pere Moragas
- Judes Blaya
- Elià Montrabe
- Jacob Villasev
- Èric
- Jasó Sert
- Martí Sánchez
- Zèfir Peratill
- Josuè Picornel
- Elies Bertolín
- Llucià Poblet
- Amèric Mollfull
- Lluís Mateo
- Meritxell
- Isidre
- Xavier Llorach
- Darios Cullell
- Aleix Eslerich
- Àngel Vilchez
- Raül Antich
- Bertran Grife
- Ariadna
- Siveri Barran
- Alex
- Rafael
- Nèstor Bellera
- Agustí Caldero
- Rafael Amils
- Narcís
- Imma
- Mercè (Mercedes)
- Pasqual Basté
- Esteve Terrassa
- Robert Ardions
Medieval Catalan Names
Here are some best unique medieval catalan names that you will like:
- Conradí Gallach
- Adam Brosa
- Albí Gilibert
- Jordà Galindo
- Cir Vingut
- Germà Bellver
- Gedeó Juanhuix
- Cristòfol Brosa
- Guiu Rigol
- Sebastià Llaudó
- Alexandra
- Ladislau Carné
- Manel
- Ladislau Puigdollers
- Susanna
- Teodor Campeny
- Frederic Surrell
- Mariona
- Raimon Panell
- Esdres Boguna
- Ladislau Estevez
- Guiu Vilellas
- Micolau Catà
- Vignette
- Jana
- Lledó
- Melcion Delacerda
- Dioclecià Mallafré
- Òscar Cabana
- Rafael Salat
- Eliseu Purset
- Zèfir Bori
- Clara
- Brandan Saura
- Gregori
- Eduard
- Marina
- Ramir Domene
- Jasó Obradors
- Adam Cantó
- Àlvar Caner
- Cesca
- Guiu Solivera
- Paula
- Pompeu Esquius
- Pol Salas
- Elià Rifa
- Feliu Potrony
- Berta
- Pere Faura
- Lluís Cornelas
- Ulric Ginabred
- Biel Bordoy
- Concepció
- Feliu Casamitjana
- Albà Ciura
- Enric Castany
- Pròsper Clapers
- Frederic
- Menna Sola
- Joan Ristol
- Berenguer
- Romeu Autonell
- Ferran Cinca
- Llàtzer Pelach
- Màxim
- Ernest
- Quirze Bassegoda
- Remei
- Llàtzer Balat
- Prudenci Pericas
- Abundi Talas
- Victory
- Miquel Trill
- Abelard Peiró
- Sebastià Hierro
- Jordi Godo
- Salomó Prat
- Cal·línic Llau
- Josep Moner
- Galè Tous
- Melcior Ferrusol
Catalan Surnames
Below are some best catalan surnames that you can use:
- Raimon Cutal
- Alexandre Solsona
- Francesc
- Micolau Bagaría
- Orió Capella
- Ot Galdeano
- Leodogari Besalduc
- Roger Selles
- Pau Vilellas
- Aaró Adroher
- Oriol Espasí
- Agustí Besalduc
- Monserrat
- Albà Perla
- Gondicari Iglesias
- Lídia
- Aleix Arias
- Micolau Sola
- Cam Carré
- Octavi Batet
- Aleix Rofastes
- Sever Bassol
- Bernabè Jara
- Gabriel Gonfaus
- Dari Madiroles
- Brandan Puigdellivol
- Esteve Rubi
- Pròsper Utges
- Celia
- Marcel
- Valentí Amat
- Rubèn Campmany
- Begonya
- Elià Sarrasec
- Elies Dalmases
- Ramon
- Alba
- Alaric Esquius
- Chimo
- Màrius Mariné
- Tomau Formiguera
- Miquel
- Diana
- Gonçal
- Àfrica
- Dídac Albets
- Pep Calvera
- Cristòfor Baulenas
- Adalbert Orellana
- Macedoni Bonell
- Esteve Padilla
- Just Balbastrada
- Vidal
- Jeremies Blasco
- Salvador Maspons
- Quim
- Aldo
- Emeric Rodamila
- Esteve Jané
- Felip
- Pau Suñé
- Joel
- Just Borrut
- Gabriel Mercader
- Ramir Toldra
- Absaló Tuto
- Rosa
- Francesca
- Adrià Saus
- Isaac
- Dioclecià Vallespir
- Jacob Belengué
- Ezequies Genovés
- Èlia
- Jèred Tintinyà
- Biel Brotó
- Emeric Tomàs
- Ferran Claramunt
- Òscar Pico
- Olaia
- Brandan Casafont
- Domènec Pitarch
- Jordi Vilasetr
- Nicolau Salat
- Teresa
- Dionís Valldosera
- Brandà Ysamat
- Iker Checa
- Narcís Palos
- August Feiné
- Víctor
- Òscar Sanou
- Pep Torrats
- Jaumet
- Bernat Camats
- Patrici Genove
- Dari Nardi
- Nadal Sangres
- Malaquies Balcells
- Oriol Segales
- Iolanda
- August Prime
- Pol Pallarol
- Cecili Rosa
Catalan Last Names
Enlisted you will see some catalan last names that you will like:
- Agustí Modolell
- Pascual Ruestes
- Jordà Espinalt
- Martí Cañet
- Siveri Moger
- Guifré
- Pol Soy
- Romeu Razquin
- Alexandre
- Robert Marot
- Laura
- Matties Sort
- Gastó Batista
- Max
- Urbà Rosich
- Darios Uris
- Roderic
- Dídac (Diego)
- Maximum
- Gastó Peña
- Just Rom
- Lluís Barcelona
- Cristòfor Villalta
- Adalbert Pujos
- Llorenç
- Bernat Caralt
- Àlvar Grasas
- Àngel Ball
- Adrià Crivillé
- Ignaci Nart
- Agustí Castellarnau
- Pau Pahisa
- Josep Mundo
- Dionis
- Esteve
- Aaron Masbernat
- Quirze Marfany
- Ladislau Villacro
- Lluc
- Cir Dosrius
- Cal·línic Pijuan
- Gedeó Sabaters
- Melcior Palomas
- Feliu Queralt
- Àngel Vilarrasa
- Pep
- Malaquies Marquila
- Samsó Rabassa
- Raul
- Mònica
- Maria Josep
- Emeric Montes
- Vicent Sarrià
- Jordi
- Tomàs Palou
- Victòria
- Simó Aguiló
- Prudencià Vendrells
- Dioclecià Prunella
- Enric
- Josep Roel
- Marc
- Llúcia
- Jaume Munsec
- Raimon Llecha
- Valèria
- Cal·línic Mancho
- Alfons Escudero
- Ramir Torrande
- Abelard Portas
- Alexandre Isern
- Jèred Coch
- Rodolf Giner
- Emili Pelfort
- Felip Cuní
- Eliseu Bastardes
- Orió Vizcaino
- Orió Fañé
- Zeferí Formiga
- Conrad Guevara
- Arseni
- Mireia
- Carles
- Jacob Pedreño
- Gastó Saiz
- Empar
- Jaume Masaló
- Dídac
- Gonçal Troguet
- Ricard Comadran
- Pompeu Monfulle
- August Masdefiol
- Pasqual Verdeny
- Alèxia
- Martí
- Samsó Magrané
- Alexandre Retuerta
- Rodolf Flaquer
- Conrad Clapers
- Gedeó Ayat
- Cristòfor Reinoso
- Dari Ristol
- Angel

How to Create Your Own Catalan Names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a good name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some catalan names from different sources, including novels, movies and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters in your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create simple and unique names
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
Here is a list of short and clever names.
- Martina
- Jeremies Ferriol
- Jacob Rubira
- Xènia
- Hèctor
- Dídac Barons
- Alicia
- Frederic Arlat
- Menna Carabi
- Biel Ferro
- Jaïr Alzina
- Llorenç Larroder
- Dari Pereramon
- Pompeu Peris
- Narcís Cambras
- Ignaci Ferrater
- Amèric Ara
- Gastó Ballús
- Biel Mujal
- Feliu Morató
- Jasó Mariné
- Narcís Mazuecos
- Orió Franquet
- Aquil·les Andino
- Tomau Alerm
- Francesc Pérez
- Silvestre Feiné
- Carme
- Núria
- Valentí Ambrós
- Galè Bové
- Gal·la
- Ximo
- Salut
- Pompeu Sugrañes
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something that is specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Catalan names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the sub-conscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they looks cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the names that include hard to spell words.
Here are some examples of easy inspiring names.
- Mónica
- Esdres Ingla
- Jofre
- Esteve Playa
- Abraham Vilamitjana
- Guiu Mesegué
- Josep Piera
- Ferran Cantabella
- Montse
- Amadeu Vargas
- Màrius Morro
- Guiu Bringué
- Lluís
- Ambròs Zanuy
- Naxo
- Nicolau Simó
- Lluís Becares
- Biel
- Gabriel
- Bernat Perla
- Albí Fontanel
- Bernat Planes
- Cecili Vilella
- Melcion Amorós
- Mateu
- Artur Iranzo
- Hugo Viñals
- Joana
- Guillem Masferré
- Dioclecià Jorba
- Agustí
- Assumpció
- Fructuós Guzman
- Malaquies Drudes
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.
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