Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
Here we have shared some cool and creative Celtic Breton Names that you will like. Over the last year, we have helped thousands of people name their businesses, characters, and pets.
You can also choose a good name from the below list of Celtic Breton names. But make sure to select such a name that will impress your friends and family.
Let’s dive in.
Celtic Breton Names
Here we have shared some of the best cool and catchy celtic Breton names:
- Oudoceus Tiercelin
- Gwerborc’h Callac
- Auruguen Mézec
- Joeva Luzel
- Gweltazig Grall
- Aoperzh Ar Garreg
- Brenda Quemere
- Katell Kerdoncuff
- Laorans Le Cam
- Bleuzenn Cloarec
- Tristana Queffélec
- Heneg Jarry
- Tivio Gouedard
- Madennig Le Verger
- Kavan de Missirien
- Nennok Kadoret
- Eodez Le Besco
- Congard Jaffrelot
- Breval Godest
- Renea Debeauvais
- Sezni Le Ho
- Cornely Danielou
- Pèr Déguignet
- Lid Goasdoué
- Haerveu Nedelec
- Mer Guillevic
- Berac’h Kerderrien
- Gwenna Bosser
- Onnen Rolland
- Judual Le Mee
- Louen Broudig
- Elesbed Queffélec
- Josset Plouzennec
- Azilis Cuillerier
- Devi Jaffrezic
- Aubin Rouillier
- Berin Broudic
- Maoran Cornec
- Kaelig Floch
- Liza Kerbriant
- Thuria Arbez
- Ahès Le Lay
- Andréa Le Meur
- Loïck Le Bouffo
- Maï Guillerm
- Konogan Meheust
- Meriadec Kerderrien
- Argane Ar Merer
- Aodrena Troadec
- Margeit Kermabon
- Arzhael Kermarrec
- Nedeleg Malmanche
- Bieuzi Hercouet
- Armaelle Mauvieux
- Dogmeel Hascoet
Medieval Breton Names
In this list, I have shared some of the best medieval Breton names for you:
- Agata Tardivel
- Elorn Le Guillou
- Marivon Le Bigot
- Riwanon Goff
- Santig Badoual
- Paolig Larvor
- Arzhulenn Le Menn
- Elar Connan
- Dewi Talbourdet
- Sterenn Visdeloup
- Marianig Bosser
- Argan Debeauvais
- Finnian Le Braz
- Soaig Maze
- Brivel Ar Garreg
- Jobig Helias
- Madina Le Mouel
- Binenn Le Menn
- Arzhel Stephan
- Arzelig Brekilien
- Kennoc’ha Mevel
- Sklaer Roper
- Pereg Kerrien
- Oanellig d’Avennes
- Armel Hascoet
- Urlo Kerleau
- Jildaz Quiviger
- Maeli Vidament
- Kavan Le Trocquer
- Eleiran Bosser
- Preden Guillevic
- Lizig Le Bris
- Tujen Glanndour
- Suliag Cariou
- Maelie Guyony
- Iwen Le Pen
- Winnol Ulliac
- Leri Le Droumaguet
- Avela Le Texier
- Clervie Eouzan
- Jezekael Le Bris
- Agata Ollivier
- Kadvael Thoraval
- Adeodat Abgrall
- Kennoc’ha Le Goffic
- Nougay Badoual
- Bennigez Kerleau
- Eflez Le Goff
- Madin Le Duff
- Premel Godest
- Jaoua Garel
- Gwenhaela Libouban
- Guethenoc Le Braz
- Youna Rouillier
Breton Female Names
In this list, you will see some useful and simple Breton female names:
- Gwythian Le Goux
- Armela Dreano
- Marivonig Bolloré
- Govran Cuillerier
- Kaourant Guyomard
- Evon Nedelec
- Madezig Jestin
- Segal Guillermo
- Arzhel Audigou
- Ioena Floch
- Fantou Lozac’h
- Gwenhaela Guguen
- Goulwena Vidament
- Aelezig Le Hegarat
- Urfol Gouyet
- Rieg Robin
- Ewen, Arbez
- Fanta Dincuff
- Pever Al Lay
- Mari Guguen
- Thuriau Gallou
- Uriou Arbez
- Judicaëlle Tanet
- Goulvena Corbière
- Iduned Kerleroux
- Arzula Kermarrec
- Polig Le Pennec
- Loizig Le Guevel
- Judoca Gouedard
- Barban Le Corre
- Arzhel Le Quellec
- Gwennaig Le Maux
- Kireg Le Corre
- Avel Lagadic
- Brewen Ar Govig
- Ronanig Pinvidic
- Yuzel Ar Govig
- Riwalig Corre
- Dozhwal Le Corre
- Trefin Miossec
- Vougay Le Borgne
- Tininor Glanndour
- Mateo Ar May
- Nolwenne Kerfriden
- Eozen Calvez
- Enor Konan
- Arzhael Le Lann
- Janick Verne
- Lezou Le Nouvel
- Nonn Tardivel
- Yun Ulliac
- Lavena Riou
- Guénola Quéré
Breton Male Names
In this list, you will see some of the best Breton male names that you will like:
- Gwen Madec
- Gwenal de Saint-André
- Briagenn Le Foll
- Frañsa Le Bras
- Yuna Gautho
- Dogmael de Gaulle
- Helouri Marec
- Gaid Vallerie
- Maelennig Guillermo
- Cadou Le Mouel
- Derog Jaffrennou
- Guireg Le Denmat
- Maelysse Le Berre
- Meloar Quelfeter
- Matelin Queffelec
- Million Gruel
- Goulchen Meheust
- Matilina Le Perff
- Gestin Le Braz
- Herblon Tilly
- Helori Ropars
- Gwythian Guilloux
- Veig Kerdoncuff
- Donatien Mordiern
- Judok Le Goffic
- Aourgen Mordiern
- Sulian Merser
- Konwen Le Berre
- Harn Kerbriant
- Divi Pelan
- Gwenvred Jaffrès
- Azvent Le Ho
- Thélo Guyony
- Koupaïa Haouisee
- Arzhvaelig Dreano
- Tinidor d’Avennes
- Yael Le Bourhis
- Gwenneg Le Roux
- Arzhael Plouzennec
- Elena Le Coadou
- Riwalez Gourvil
- Lena Badoual
- Albinnen Verne
- Min Riou
- Armael Coic
- Lara Le Cam
- Yaouank Maze
- Lunen Le Pen
- Bozel de Rais
- Renan Le Bail
- Brieu Talbourdet
- Seve Queffelec
Famous Breton Names
Below are some of the best famous Breton names that you will like:
- Gwerborc’h Jaffré
- Tei Caradec
- Elara Le Fur
- Maeliss Le Hegarat
- Fiac Le Bris
- Andreva Jaffrezic
- Mon Rouault
- Rozènne Meheust
- Bél Trépos
- Gael Kergoat
- Gwilherm Lagadeuc
- Berhed Rolland
- Fantig Helias
- Tujen Pichon
- Kaourantina Talbourdet
- Tonan Larvor
- Tenenan Herrieu
- Mailennig Le Bourhis
- Maodez Dincuff
- Hervevenn Dubee
- Maodanig Al Lay
- Viviana Le Baud
- Emilion Jullou
- Maeleg Callac
- Ivonig Le Pen
- Hervea Botrel
- Masho Ropartz
- Corentin Pinvidic
- Lizig Haouisee
- Tadek Le Metayer
- Vougay Debeauvais
- Jakou Kerdaniel
- Jocelyne Dupuis
- Odoceus Le Pennec
- Herveline Perrot
- Roperh Malmanche
- Thurial Jarry
- Convarch Le Bal
- Kristenn Pezron
- Pierig Caillibotte
- Soazic Le Perff
- Enor Glanndour
- Chan Mauvieux
- Yannou Riou
- Gwenhael Loriquer
- Maiwenna Kerjean
- Yanni Le Hénaff
- Reunan Glanndour
- Adenora Renan
- Noella Kerjean
- Gaelaig Jarry

How to write celtic Breton names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a Celtic Breton name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some Celtic Breton names from different sources, including novels, movies, and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters is your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create Celtic Breton names.
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Celtic Breton names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the subconscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they look cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the dwarf names that include hard to spell words.
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.