900+ Aasimar Names for Dungeons & Dragons

Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique

Ever struggled to name your Aasimar character? You’re not alone. I’ve spent hours digging through dusty tomes and angelic lore just to avoid calling my celestial warrior “Glowy McSword.” Good news: this list of 900+ Aasimar names is your shortcut. Whether you want something heroic, mysterious, or downright divine, we’ve got options. Think of this as your backstage pass to naming glory—no divine intervention required.

Let’s get real: most name lists feel like scrolling through a phone book. Not here. I hand-checked every entry, tossing out anything that sounded like a rejected soap opera character. (Sorry, “Sir Sparkleheart.”)

These names blend myth, language, and pure imagination. Some whisper of ancient heavens; others crackle with holy fire. I even threw in a few guilty pleasures—because why shouldn’t your paladin’s name rhyme with “radiant”?

Here’s the deal: You’ll find a fit. Maybe it’s a thunderous title like Valorath the Dawnbreaker or a softer pick like Liora of the Veil. Stuck on a broody, moonlit Aasimar?

Duskbringer has your back. Need something unshakably noble? Justicar won’t judge. I’ve been there—agonizing over names while my party rolls dice without me. This list cuts the hassle.

So dive in. Mix and match. Laugh at the wild ones (cough Zariel’s Coffee Addiction cough). Your perfect name is hiding here, waiting to light up your character sheet. And hey, if all else fails, just add “-iel” to anything. Works every time.

D&D Aasimar Names

  1. Seraphina
  2. Zephyrion
  3. Astraeus
  4. Lyrian
  5. Valerius
  6. Elowen
  7. Kaelen
  8. Solaria
  9. Hadriel
  10. Elysia
  11. Orionis
  12. Lunara
  13. Cassiel
  14. Theron
  15. Isolde
  16. Valen
  17. Azrael
  18. Eira
  19. Gavril
  20. Aerion

Names Inspired by Obscure Mythologies

  1. Izanagi (Inspired by Japanese creation myth)
  2. Amaterasu (Inspired by Japanese sun character)
  3. Ogun (Inspired by Yoruba mythology)
  4. Yemoja (Inspired by Yoruba mythology)
  5. Freyr (Inspired by Norse mythology)
  6. Sif (Inspired by Norse mythology)
  7. Danu (Inspired by Celtic mythology)
  8. Lugh (Inspired by Celtic mythology)
  9. Anu (Inspired by Mesopotamian mythology)
  10. Ishtar (Inspired by Mesopotamian mythology)
  11. Ahti (Inspired by Finnish mythology)
  12. Tapio (Inspired by Finnish mythology)
  13. Veles (Inspired by Slavic mythology)
  14. Perun (Inspired by Slavic mythology)
  15. Tane (Inspired by Maori mythology)
  16. Tangaroa (Inspired by Maori mythology)
  17. Ukko (Inspired by Finnish mythology)
  18. Ilmatar (Inspired by Finnish mythology)
  19. Osiris (Inspired by Egyptian mythology)
  20. Hathor (Inspired by Egyptian mythology)

Names with a Connection to Celestial Planes

  1. Astral
  2. Etherea
  3. Celestia
  4. Luminaire
  5. Zenith
  6. Nimbus
  7. Corona
  8. Aetheria
  9. Stellara
  10. Aurora
  11. Galaxia
  12. Equinox
  13. Polaris
  14. Comet
  15. Nebula
  16. Solstice
  17. Eclipse
  18. Zenithia
  19. Lumin
  20. Celestial

Aasimar Warrior Names

  1. Gideon
  2. Lysander
  3. Torian
  4. Aric
  5. Cassius
  6. Isara
  7. Brynn
  8. Anya
  9. Valerius
  10. Xander
  11. Talia
  12. Fallon
  13. Jaxon
  14. Kael
  15. Rowan
  16. Sirus
  17. Zane
  18. Fallon
  19. Gareth
  20. Alora

Aasimar Paladin Names

  1. Justinius
  2. Valoriana
  3. Alistair
  4. Faelan
  5. Seraphiel
  6. Gloriana
  7. Ethaniel
  8. Aurelius
  9. Lysandra
  10. Kaelen
  11. Seraphina
  12. Titus
  13. Valeria
  14. Gareth
  15. Isolde
  16. Theron
  17. Gwendolyn
  18. Percival
  19. Beatrice
  20. Ignatius

Aasimar Cleric Names

  1. Elowyn
  2. Benedict
  3. Celestina
  4. Amelia
  5. Tobias
  6. Seraphim
  7. Hadriana
  8. Caspar
  9. Eliana
  10. Thaddeus
  11. Theodora
  12. Malachi
  13. Phoebe
  14. Silas
  15. Evangeline
  16. Barnaby
  17. Priscilla
  18. Zechariah
  19. Tabitha
  20. Nathanael

Aasimar Names for Dungeons & Dragons

Aasimar Bard Names

  1. Lyra
  2. Orion
  3. Aria
  4. Cadence
  5. Melody
  6. Harmonia
  7. Rhapsody
  8. Echo
  9. Lyric
  10. Sonnet
  11. Chanson
  12. Ballad
  13. Anthem
  14. Octave
  15. Rhythm
  16. Reverie
  17. Serenade
  18. Ditty
  19. Treble
  20. Verse

Aasimar Celestial Guide Names

  1. Arael
  2. Irelia
  3. Zariel
  4. Raziel
  5. Auriel
  6. Remiel
  7. Zerachiel
  8. Samyaza
  9. Phanuel
  10. Jegudiel
  11. Uriel
  12. Jophiel
  13. Chamael
  14. Zadkiel
  15. Michael
  16. Gabriel
  17. Raphael
  18. Ariel
  19. Raguel
  20. Selaphiel

Male Aasimar Names

  1. Elian
  2. Gavril
  3. Lysander
  4. Hadriel
  5. Cassiel
  6. Zephyr
  7. Orion
  8. Valerius
  9. Kaelen
  10. Theron
  11. Silas
  12. Malachi
  13. Barnaby
  14. Nathanael
  15. Ignatius
  16. Percival
  17. Titus
  18. Gareth
  19. Gideon
  20. Cassius

Female Aasimar Names

  1. Seraphina
  2. Elowen
  3. Solaria
  4. Elysia
  5. Lunara
  6. Isolde
  7. Eira
  8. Astraea
  9. Valeria
  10. Lysandra
  11. Celestina
  12. Amelia
  13. Seraphim
  14. Hadriana
  15. Eliana
  16. Theodora
  17. Phoebe
  18. Evangeline
  19. Priscilla
  20. Tabitha

Neutral Aasimar Names

  1. Astra
  2. Lyric
  3. Zenith
  4. Nimbus
  5. Corona
  6. Polaris
  7. Comet
  8. Nebula
  9. Solstice
  10. Equinox
  11. Zephyr
  12. River
  13. Sky
  14. Sage
  15. Echo
  16. Haven
  17. Indigo
  18. Onyx
  19. Fable
  20. Dune

Celestial-Inspired Names

  1. Cosmos
  2. Stella
  3. Solaris
  4. Luna
  5. Jupiter
  6. Venus
  7. Mars
  8. Nova
  9. Stardust
  10. Meridian
  11. Zenithia
  12. Lumin
  13. Aura
  14. Halo
  15. Azure
  16. Sapphire
  17. Ember
  18. Dawn
  19. Twilight
  20. Elysian

Virtue-Based Names (e.g., Hope, Valor)

  1. Hope
  2. Valor
  3. Justice
  4. Mercy
  5. Truth
  6. Faith
  7. Charity
  8. Grace
  9. Patience
  10. Courage
  11. Wisdom
  12. Kindness
  13. Loyalty
  14. Honor
  15. Fortitude
  16. Diligence
  17. Temperance
  18. Chastity
  19. Humility
  20. Piety

Mythological Angel Names

  1. Michael
  2. Gabriel
  3. Raphael
  4. Uriel
  5. Raziel
  6. Azrael
  7. Samael
  8. Remiel
  9. Raguel
  10. Zadkiel
  11. Jophiel
  12. Haniel
  13. Ariel
  14. Cassiel
  15. Metatron
  16. Sandalphon
  17. Chamuel
  18. Phanuel
  19. Jegudiel
  20. Barachiel

Light-Themed Names (e.g., Aurelia, Solara)

  1. Aurelia
  2. Solara
  3. Lux
  4. Lucian
  5. Aurora
  6. Dawne
  7. Blaze
  8. Glimmer
  9. Radiant
  10. Gleam
  11. Illuminate
  12. Lumina
  13. Bright
  14. Beacon
  15. Flare
  16. Shine
  17. Sunlight
  18. Moonlight
  19. Luster
  20. Spark

Names Combining Celestial and Mortal Elements

  1. Elara Thorne
  2. Cassian Reed
  3. Seraphina Bellweather
  4. Lysander Croft
  5. Elowen Hawthorne
  6. Gavril Blackwood
  7. Solaria Ainsworth
  8. Hadriel Finch
  9. Elysia Thorne
  10. Zephyr Croft
  11. Lunara Blackwood
  12. Cassiel Reed
  13. Isolde Bellweather
  14. Eira Hawthorne
  15. Astraeus Finch
  16. Valeria Ainsworth
  17. Orionis Bellweather
  18. Lunara Croft
  19. Cassiel Blackwood
  20. Theron Thorne

Names with Dual Meanings (e.g., Light and Shadow)

  1. Umbra
  2. Liora
  3. Nyx
  4. Elysia
  5. Blake
  6. Shadow
  7. Lysander
  8. Stella
  9. Raven
  10. Ember
  11. Ash
  12. Skye
  13. Haven
  14. Dawn
  15. Dusk
  16. River
  17. Solis
  18. Astra
  19. Phoenix
  20. Indigo

Names Reflecting the Aasimar’s Celestial Guide

  1. Guided
  2. Guardian
  3. Sentinel
  4. Chosen
  5. Blessed
  6. Favored
  7. Inspired
  8. Beacon
  9. Harbinger
  10. Oracle
  11. Emissary
  12. Vessel
  13. Herald
  14. Avatar
  15. Angelus
  16. Seraph
  17. Cherub
  18. Divine
  19. Celestial
  20. Astral

Names Tied to Specific D&D Lore (e.g., Zariel’s Chosen)

  1. Zariel’s Light
  2. Asmodea
  3. Tyrant’s Grace
  4. Elturel’s Hope
  5. Baator’s Flame
  6. Archangel’s Ire
  7. Avernus’s Fury
  8. Blade of Redemption
  9. Fallen Star
  10. Hope’s End
  11. Redemption’s Dawn
  12. Lightbringer of Elturel
  13. Inferno’s Embrace
  14. Chains of Avernus
  15. Whispers of Baator
  16. Scourge of Devils
  17. Angelic Rebellion
  18. Diabolic Pact
  19. Zariel’s Legacy
  20. Aasimar’s Descent

Names Blending Angelic and Mortal Cultures

  1. Michael O’Connell
  2. Gabrielle Dubois
  3. Raphael Rodriguez
  4. Uriah Petrova
  5. Azrael McGregor
  6. Samael Tanaka
  7. Remiel Schmidt
  8. Raguel Nguyen
  9. Zadkiel Singh
  10. Jophiel Kim
  11. Haniel Rossi
  12. Ariel Müller
  13. Cassiel Silva
  14. Metatron Jones
  15. Sandalphon Brown
  16. Chamuel Davis
  17. Phanuel Garcia
  18. Jegudiel Wilson
  19. Barachiel Anderson
  20. Zariel Taylor

Good-Aligned Character Names

  1. Alistair Goodfellow
  2. Seraphina Hopewell
  3. Lysander Trueheart
  4. Elowen Kindred
  5. Gavril Blessing
  6. Solaria Whitestone
  7. Hadriel Lightbourne
  8. Elysia Fairweather
  9. Zephyr Brightwood
  10. Lunara Gentle
  11. Cassiel Steadfast
  12. Isolde Righteous
  13. Eira Charity
  14. Astraeus Graceful
  15. Valeria Benevolent
  16. Orionis Noble
  17. Lunara Peaceful
  18. Cassiel Clement
  19. Theron Virtuous
  20. Gwendolyn Pure

Divine Ancestry Names

  1. Deival
  2. Divia
  3. Angelius
  4. Angelie
  5. Caelus
  6. Caelia
  7. Celestius
  8. Celestia
  9. Serafino
  10. Serafina
  11. Luminus
  12. Lumina
  13. Etharia
  14. Etherian
  15. Astraios
  16. Astraia
  17. Empyrius
  18. Empyria
  19. Holier
  20. Holiest

Fantasy RPG Names for Aasimar

  1. Aetharel
  2. Lyrianne
  3. Xanthel
  4. Seridan
  5. Valerius
  6. Elowynn
  7. Kaelar
  8. Solandra
  9. Hadrielle
  10. Elyssar
  11. Orlanis
  12. Lunarus
  13. Cassianar
  14. Therinar
  15. Isoldane
  16. Valenar
  17. Azraelle
  18. Eirana
  19. Gavrilan
  20. Aerionne

Planar Being-Inspired Names

  1. Arkhon
  2. Eladrin
  3. Githyanki
  4. Githzerai
  5. Shadar
  6. Kai
  7. Modron
  8. Slaadi
  9. Yugoloth
  10. Guardinal
  11. Astral
  12. Ethereal
  13. Prime
  14. Axiom
  15. Chaos
  16. Concord
  17. Abyss
  18. Pandemonium
  19. Nirvana
  20. Arcadia

Heroic and Virtuous Aasimar Names

  1. Fortitude
  2. Verity
  3. Redeemer
  4. Guardian
  5. Defender
  6. Righteous
  7. Valiant
  8. Champion
  9. Savior
  10. Paragon
  11. Sentinel
  12. Exemplar
  13. Noble
  14. Steadfast
  15. Pureheart
  16. Justinius
  17. Seraphiel
  18. Alistair
  19. Gloriana
  20. Ethaniel

Names with Latin, Greek, or Hebrew Roots

  1. Lucian (Latin, “light”)
  2. Aurelia (Latin, “golden”)
  3. Solara (Latin, “sun-like”)
  4. Caelum (Latin, “heaven”)
  5. Stella (Latin, “star”)
  6. Elysia (Greek, “blessed”)
  7. Orion (Greek, constellation)
  8. Sophia (Greek, “wisdom”)
  9. Hadriel (Hebrew, “majesty of God”)
  10. Raphael (Hebrew, “God has healed”)
  11. Gabriel (Hebrew, “God is my strength”)
  12. Michael (Hebrew, “Who is like God?”)
  13. Seraphina (Hebrew/Latin, “fiery ones”)
  14. Zephyr (Greek, “west wind”)
  15. Helios (Greek, “sun”)
  16. Selene (Greek, “moon”)
  17. Asher (Hebrew, “happy, blessed”)
  18. Josiah (Hebrew, “God supports”)
  19. Eliana (Hebrew, “My God has answered”)
  20. Talia (Hebrew, “dew from God”)

Names Reflecting Light, Purity, and Divinity

  1. Blanche
  2. Radiance
  3. Seraph
  4. Beacon
  5. Halo
  6. Shine
  7. Gleam
  8. Lumina
  9. Celestial
  10. Divinity
  11. Sanctity
  12. Purelight
  13. Lumiere
  14. Crystalline
  15. Ivory
  16. Luminous
  17. Ethereal
  18. Heavenly
  19. Immaculate
  20. Pristine

Names for Aasimar with a Connection to the Upper Planes

  1. Elysium
  2. Arcadia
  3. Celestia
  4. Bytopia
  5. Mount Celestia
  6. Acheron
  7. Mechanus
  8. Outlands
  9. Plane of Air
  10. Plane of Fire
  11. Plane of Water
  12. Plane of Earth
  13. Feywild
  14. Shadowfell
  15. Astral Sea
  16. Ethereal Plane
  17. Upper Planes
  18. Inner Planes
  19. Outer Planes
  20. Transitive Planes

Names for Aasimar with Angelic or Heavenly Themes

  1. Angelica
  2. Angelus
  3. Seraphiel
  4. Cherubim
  5. Throne
  6. Virtue
  7. Dominion
  8. Power
  9. Principality
  10. Archangel
  11. Host
  12. Celestial
  13. Empyrean
  14. Radiant
  15. Blessed
  16. Divine
  17. Heavenly
  18. Sacred
  19. Holy
  20. Sanctified

Names for Aasimar with a Focus on Heroism and Righteousness

  1. Valiant
  2. Champion
  3. Hero
  4. Savior
  5. Crusader
  6. Just
  7. Righteous
  8. Trueheart
  9. Braveheart
  10. Defender
  11. Guardian
  12. Sentinel
  13. Paladin
  14. Knight
  15. Paragon
  16. Exemplar
  17. Noble
  18. Steadfast
  19. Honor
  20. Loyalty

Names for Aasimar with Titles or Epithets (e.g., “the Radiant”)

  1. Seraphina, the Radiant
  2. Lysander, the Just
  3. Elowen, the Merciful
  4. Gavril, the Steadfast
  5. Solaria, the Dawnbreaker
  6. Hadriel, the Wise
  7. Elysia, the Gentle
  8. Zephyr, the Swift
  9. Lunara, the Protector
  10. Cassiel, the Vigilant
  11. Isolde, the Valiant
  12. Eira, the Pure
  13. Astraeus, the Celestial
  14. Valeria, the Strong
  15. Orionis, the Guiding
  16. Lunara, the Healer
  17. Cassiel, the Truthspeaker
  18. Theron, the Honorable
  19. Gwendolyn, the Fearless
  20. Percival, the Noble

Names for Aasimar with Surnames or Family Lineages

  1. Seraphina Ashworth
  2. Lysander Blackwood
  3. Elowen Hawthorne
  4. Gavril Ainsworth
  5. Solaria Bellweather
  6. Hadriel Croft
  7. Elysia Thorne
  8. Zephyr Reed
  9. Lunara Finch
  10. Cassiel Goodfellow
  11. Isolde Hopewell
  12. Eira Trueheart
  13. Astraeus Kindred
  14. Valeria Blessing
  15. Orionis Whitestone
  16. Lunara Lightbourne
  17. Cassiel Fairweather
  18. Theron Brightwood
  19. Gwendolyn Gentle
  20. Percival Steadfast

Names for Aasimar Inspired by Virtues (e.g., Justice, Mercy)

  1. Justicia
  2. Misericordia
  3. Veritas
  4. Fides
  5. Caritas
  6. Gratia
  7. Patientia
  8. Fortitudo
  9. Prudentia
  10. Clementia
  11. Constantia
  12. Humilitas
  13. Pietas
  14. Temperantia
  15. Castitas
  16. Diligentia
  17. Benignitas
  18. Fidelis
  19. Fortis
  20. Veritas

Names for Aasimar with Mythological or Religious References

  1. Icarus
  2. Ariadne
  3. Helios
  4. Selene
  5. Jupiter
  6. Venus
  7. Mars
  8. Apollo
  9. Diana
  10. Minerva
  11. Gabriel
  12. Michael
  13. Raphael
  14. Uriel
  15. Asher
  16. Josiah
  17. Eliana
  18. Talia
  19. Emmanuel
  20. Ruth

Names for Aasimar with a Focus on Light and Dawn Themes

  1. Aurora
  2. Dawn
  3. Solstice
  4. Equinox
  5. Glow
  6. Halo
  7. Luster
  8. Ray
  9. Spark
  10. Shine
  11. Gleam
  12. Luminous
  13. Bright
  14. Radiant
  15. Flare
  16. Beam
  17. Illuminate
  18. Daylight
  19. Luminaire
  20. Sunbeam

Names for Aasimar with a Connection to Specific Campaign Settings (e.g., Forgotten Realms)

  1. Elminster
  2. Laeral
  3. Khelben
  4. Simbul
  5. Storm
  6. Mordenkainen
  7. Tasha
  8. Raistlin
  9. Caramon
  10. Dalamar
  11. Fizban
  12. Tasslehoff
  13. Goldmoon
  14. Riverwind
  15. Tanis
  16. Flint
  17. Tika
  18. Catti-brie
  19. Drizzt
  20. Regis

Names for Aasimar with Unique or Rare Attributes

  1. Spectra
  2. Prisma
  3. Aurora
  4. Halcyon
  5. Astral
  6. Zenith
  7. Nimbus
  8. Corona
  9. Ethereal
  10. Lumina
  11. Crystalline
  12. Ivory
  13. Serene
  14. Celestial
  15. Radiant
  16. Gleam
  17. Lumin
  18. Ethera
  19. Stellara
  20. Zenithia

Names for Aasimar with a Focus on Celestial Guides (e.g., Dawnbringer)

  1. Dawnbringer
  2. Lightbringer
  3. Skywatcher
  4. Starseer
  5. Angelheart
  6. Celestia
  7. Sentinel
  8. Guardian
  9. Oracle
  10. Emissary
  11. Harbinger
  12. Vessel
  13. Herald
  14. Avatar
  15. Seraph
  16. Cherub
  17. Divine
  18. Angelus
  19. Luminary
  20. Astra

Names for Aasimar with a Blend of Mortal and Divine Influences

  1. Seraphina Blackwood
  2. Lysander Hawthorne
  3. Elowen Ainsworth
  4. Gavril Bellweather
  5. Solaria Croft
  6. Hadriel Thorne
  7. Elysia Reed
  8. Zephyr Finch
  9. Lunara Goodfellow
  10. Cassiel Hopewell
  11. Isolde Trueheart
  12. Eira Kindred
  13. Astraeus Blessing
  14. Valeria Whitestone
  15. Orionis Lightbourne
  16. Lunara Fairweather
  17. Cassiel Brightwood
  18. Theron Gentle
  19. Gwendolyn Steadfast
  20. Percival Ashworth

Names for Aasimar with a Focus on Their Role in the Party (e.g., Leader, Healer)

  1. Leader
  2. Healer
  3. Protector
  4. Guardian
  5. Sage
  6. Strategist
  7. Shield
  8. Beacon
  9. Counselor
  10. Empath
  11. Vanguard
  12. Guide
  13. Mediator
  14. Champion
  15. Hope
  16. Deliverance
  17. Salvation
  18. Light
  19. Serenity
  20. Fortitude

I hope this list is helpful!

How to write Dnd Aasimar Names

Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a dnd aasimar name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.

I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some dnd aasimar names from different sources, including novels, movies, and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters is your favorite book series.

Here are some tips to create dnd aasimar names.

Keep it Short and Simple

Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.

This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.

It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something specific and not too common.

Make it memorable.

Dnd aasimar names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the subconscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.

To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.

Avoid Difficult Names

Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they look cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the dwarf names that include hard to spell words.

When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.


450 Catchy Headquarters Names Ideas

Mubashir Rafique

Mubashir Rafique, founder of Worth Start, a young and energetic entrepreneur. He has been working as a Branding Specialist On different platforms.