Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
Welcome to our blog article on “400 Ewok Names”! If you’re looking for creative and enchanting names for your Ewok characters, you’ve come to the right place. We have curated a diverse collection of unique Ewok names that will add depth and personality to your fictional creations. As Yoda wisely said, “Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.” Just like the Force, these names will empower your Ewok characters with a touch of magic and wonder.
As a Naming Specialist with three years of experience in the field of fantasy character naming, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring the vast realms of imagination and bringing characters to life through their names. From valiant knights to mischievous fairies, I’ve witnessed the impact a well-chosen name can have on a character’s identity. Drawing upon my expertise and passion, I have handpicked the best Ewok names for you to choose from, ensuring that each name carries its own unique charm and resonance.
In this article, we promise you an exciting journey filled with discovery and inspiration. Get ready to dive into a treasure trove of 400 Ewok names that will ignite your creativity and transport you to the magical forests of Endor. Whether you’re a writer seeking character names, a role-playing enthusiast, or simply a fan of the Star Wars universe, we guarantee that you will find names that are both captivating and distinct. So, join us as we embark on this enchanting quest and unveil the perfect name for your Ewok characters!
Ewok Names

Below are some best cute and catchy ewok names:
- Aashe Bamnesti
- Kryrpi Tristista
- Mastoot Krakkenra
- Coocke Destek
- Carphic Nimrooc
- Bipra Filylli
- Egrik Nadrerle
- Darree Kagreck
- Gnadi Nedrack
- Trele Groonadry
- Pakic Rimroon
- Bapre Grameem
- Trille Kremret
- Gnagna Banlel
- Mikkac Kaadreem
- Meerreck Rekinti
- Kemoo Glikel
- Recka Bigrem
- Ada Laryni
- Nicki
- Berenguer
- Tepoo Moodrak
- Flitchee
- Tygrime Temning
- Nho’Apakk
- Fiki Wimrelloo
- Meera Grilrima
- Chesi Toonak
- Carphim Zikkaasta
- Gnootalle Wakirre
- Femiste Diddeng
- Cillal Trilrick
- Wiglaa Kikan
- Pamiti Marleng
- Edoo Fimrinre
- Iste Weenreekkee
- Ackeck Glanrim
- Eelet Zinlime
- Pane Deddemi
- Kekyck Kakamne
- Cheerfe Fintemy
- Pedek Kimick
- Paploo
- Aarphyck Jenlil
- Looree Gemat
- Kaink
- Reglaa Tralring
- Gegli Zadrooke
- Deenick Gimeeng
- Cedre Bymistri
- Wiley
- Chyrpat Felal
- Ybeck Greeddick
- Erpham
- Galla Tanloock
- Raashela Firlelre
- Teebo
- Naadyk Grestrack
- Ledemi Lelit
- Kedi Zerlaamnoo
- Triglil Rekyna
- Ishani Gaaladdy
Star Wars Ewok Names

Following is the list of some cute star wars ewok names:
- Kiplak Mentaami
- Iprignaa Tanak
- Mika Trimnagra
- Gidoo Tristrigre
- Kazak
- Tashegre Gental
- Gillirpi Lerlyt
- Kipri Zelroot
- Teegee Trimreelli
- Migli Nantam
- Wibee Toonanle
- Kygri Mynlekka
- Nistem Glastrooste
- Dekat Krararre
- Trikoo Nalremri
- Nedat Glakkanri
- Kryllal Faarraang
- Machk
- Krackak Grinlanlaa
- Arpack Meroodra
- Fana Gamreerre
- Limelaa Bestrinli
- Maani Goodremne
- Chubbray
- Kisana Testerraa
- Gallin Degrakke
- Nirphe Kraarrin
- Rake Gleeddakaa
- Aloysius
- Nicke Kakkat
- Gnaarpha Takac
- Shodu
- Lygreegni Wekkante
- Nakky Tryrram
- Pilla Foostastraa
- Nibit Bamnik
- Tradaa Wistat
- Pida Gyddik
- Nadasa Kalreddy
- Chaplan Wakkami
- Krybeeng Geekket
- Ceerfaan Gooret
- Tegri Zamrit
- Ookecka Wistaddoo
- Kile Trilleng
- Warfoon Ramem
- Gridi Wistala
- Fidipra Bantera
- Daglee Lemeedde
- Rastroo Milem
- Krebic Faarrik
- Rellec Wenykee
- Trycka Raddil
- Rikeck Fimram
- Waalal Gleerit
- Laarphac Beeddidre
- Gnalegli Berradre
- Noogre Menrastri
- Gillam Genrini
- Tridazzi Walrama
- Chikee Zeket
- Widdle
- Cidy Wenenty
- Tama Glaring
- Gerpata Baadrikki
- Nalla Tidrenta
- Dabi Nemren
- Kristri Feemnil
- Mygne Zallang
- Roorphook Kraneelloo
- Nellal Benrel
- Chikkek Weenren
Female Ewok Names

Enlisted you will see some female ewok names:
- Niproorpi Jegreentee
- Dala Gliddaalra
- Poonik Lilrante
- Trirphyng Grinimre
- Nygla Tinrirri
- Ykeeni Fanting
- Firpa Faarremi
- Weeni Trinic
- Leektar
- Nakit Laanreenree
- Kany Trekkit
- Eging Laamnidri
- Knele Kroomryck
- Kraadrit Larlim
- Boomaak Zadrem
- Agri Gagrirri
- Latara
- Tidral Balroomi
- Knekirri Ganten
- Barneeson
- Laaleck Gremneng
- Krali Jookydraa
- Astra,
- Nigryn Midrool
- Nanta
- Marpha Dakeek
- Weechee
- Edre Winlegra
- Miple Kadragra
- Gnilyzze Firlac
- Gara Kemnat
- Fackara Nelilry
- Arther
- Tydreem Kryddeekke
- Eella Glantenli
- Eerphista Zakkanra
- Greeman Dintam
- Edun
- Dami Glamedde
- Yperpha Rigrik
- Killaka Wemnoonri
- Rese Nadrang
- Lerphi Fiddang
- Merpi Fimek
- Gepraacke Gradriddi
- Telli Tridremni
- Trezza Glemet
- Nigrashi Werymnaa
- Tasoori Graleck
- Etigne Gestraarree
- Gnepre Kradraasta
- Gnagnee Trentaka
- Trestishi Goonrak
- Chemi Gledriddi
- Lerpha Bistang
- Ripi Kraddamre
- Gema Foonak
- Birra Bidrik
- Billygli Rineen
- Kerphak Tedrastee
- Cekkik Jyddoolli
- Gneesha Nelilre
- Chief Chirpa
- Pati Ginret
- Netoo Leerric
- Nyckek Zaanlal
- Glili Gellaal
- Cibi Koolreek
Ewok Planet Names

Following is the list of some unique ewok planet names:
- Pimin Jeestac
- Gisagne Dimriddy
- Karphe Loodragri
- Pami Krirligri
- Tegack Treeneeni
- Eemic Kanin
- Lumat
- Begek Jeeleke
- Tylli Kanloonti
- Nerphe Tradradre
- Rekoock Rerranta
- Eerfyn Roostyl
- Ara Benelli
- Nyzzemi Kalrimroo
- Arpang Doolyle
- Mecki Gellek
- Chepleeck Wakkalla
- Tiking Fanenle
- Rena Begrinree
- Pecken Feddagre
- Chitaa Goomoonla
- Chyshe Dynreeng
- Grysti Doorentaa
- Gneste Lerranry
- Kirrisa Ninlem
- Bickagne Trymel
- Trepri Geellaamri
- Nazzerphi Nelat
- Keba Zimnemre
- Chara Reemnyck
- Lylic Kykkaak
- Farragly Zallelri
- Lilli Meerlikki
- Illem Bimnit
- Doocki Tigraastra
- Troosita Distamri
- Tryki Geddang
- Grarphac Glakadre
- Winda
- Bistrak Tagriki
- Knaarree Greenrec
- Riglac Rylan
- Kerre Lerrim
- Malani
- Byrreck Dynrynraa
- Rarpak Grekoore
- Iplyck Nakek
- Fegla Jamneme
- Chirpapra Kreelleraa
- Nema Widric
- Itade Zaamik
- Maarphel Glentinra
- Damagraa Traarlil
- Bede Neddil
- Graak
- Tele Middanle
- Amem Laamrit
- Nicky Zarlang
- Roomase Tinleeng
- Traplan Gleddel
- Larphipa Bilrinte
- Ralleck Zananra
- Ebel Widdam
- Nagraac Zerrilla
Ewok Character Names

- Wicket Brightwood
- Lumah Willowshade
- Koba Sunwhisker
- Teebo Mossbloom
- Paploo Swiftfoot
- Morag Mistysong
- Romba Stormtide
- Nanta Greenleaf
- Weechee Oakthorn
- Kneesa Wildmane
- Latara Amberwind
- Shodu Silverpaws
- Flit Springrunner
- Chukha Thornblossom
- Warok Shadowstrike
- Tokkat Moonwhisper
- Asha Featherglen
- Nippet Swiftstrike
- Kaink Mumbleleaf
- Baga Emberfur
- Nanta Rootrunner
- Kirp Dartshadow
- Thall Greenblossom
- Chirpa Starwhisker
- Lumat Thunderfoot
- Nippet Swiftstream
- Logray Moonshade
- Paploo Quickfur
- Weechee Mosswhisper
- Baga Willowmane
Male Ewok Names
- Warrick Bramblepaw
- Tumtum Quickclaw
- Keeto Timberstride
- Snik Stormgaze
- Tippet Swiftthorn
- Flit Emberclaw
- Fuzgut Willowmane
- Nipper Mossbloom
- Wunka Shadowstep
- Flan Meadowbreeze
- Gwig Quickfoot
- Tippet Reedmane
- Zeebo Sunwhisker
- Flit Quickclaw
- Dobby Amberfur
- Poppit Swiftstream
- Widdle Timberfur
- Tumtum Bramblepelt
- Bittle Mosswhisper
- Ditsy Brightpaw
- Jinx Thornblossom
- Snitch Thunderfur
- Twink Quickstep
- Nimble Reedshadow
- Squib Ambermane
- Goober Brambleclaw
- Nuggle Willowshade
- Fuzzle Swiftglimmer
- Jigger Shadowstrike
- Sprocket Thunderwhisker
Ewok Dog Names
- Snuggles Forestpaw
- Barkley Timberfur
- Fuzzball Quickstep
- Paws Mosswhisper
- Wicket Brightpelt
- Scruffy Emberclaw
- Puggle Willowmane
- Fluffy Swiftshadow
- Ruffles Bramblepaw
- Cuddles Quickclaw
- Whiskers Reedshadow
- Nibbles Thunderpaw
- Waggles Bramblefur
- Patches Meadowbreeze
- Furry Sunwhisker
- Biscuit Swiftstream
- Muffin Amberfur
- Teddy Willowshade
- Scooter Mossbloom
- Snickers Shadowstrike
- Peanut Quickclaw
- Daisy Thunderfur
- Cookie Reedmane
- Mopsy Ambermane
- Caramel Moonwhisper
- Socks Willowmane
- Cinnamon Brightpelt
- Sprinkles Quickfur
- Buttons Timberfur
- Puddles Thornblossom
Dog Names For Cats
- Whiskers Pawsome
- Purrfect Barky
- Fluffy Meowster
- Feline Rover
- Scratchy Woofkins
- Pawsome Pooch
- Whiskers Hound
- Meowtastic Barker
- Clawsome Canine
- Ruffin’ Kitty
- Pawtastic Pup
- Catty Woofster
- Scratchy Doggy
- Meowgical Mutt
- Fuzzy Pawfriend
- Barktastic Kitty
- Purrific Pooch
- Whiskerlicious Rover
- Pawtacular Hound
- Meowtastic Barker
- Cuddly Canine
- Scratchy Purrer
- Woofy Whiskerface
- Meowtiful Pupper
- Pawsitive Pooch
- Furry Feline Friend
- Whiskerific Woof
- Pawtastic Meower
- Catty Canine
- Scratchy Wagster
Ewok Names List
- Wicket
- Kneesaa
- Teebo
- Latara
- Paploo
- Lumat
- Nippet
- Widdle
- Widdle
- Wokling
- Baga
- Romba
- Gwig
- Chukha-Trok
- Shodu
- Malani
- Flitchee
- Chirpa
- Pootlepaw
- Shodu
- Zephee
- Weechee
- Winda
- Princess Kneesaa
- Tokkat
- Thall
- Wiley
- Kaink
- Asha
- Zolo
Ewok Movie Names
- The Forest’s Whispers
- Shadows of Endor
- Willowshade’s Quest
- Tales of Brightwood
- Return of the Ewoks
- The Moonlit Moss
- Wicket’s Adventure
- Trailblazers of the Trees
- Mists of Moonshadow
- The Furry Alliance
- Legends of Wokling Village
- Guardians of the Forest
- The Ewok Chronicles
- Pawprints in the Wilderness
- Songs of Willowwind
- Ewoks: The Hidden Path
- Secrets of Endor’s Heart
- Journeys Through Treetop Canopies
- The Lumah Legacy
- Rise of the Ewok Clans
- Shadows Over Brightwood
- The Whispering Meadow
- Quest for the Crystal Acorn
- Ewok Tales: Legends and Lore
- Ewok Enchantments
- Moonlight Serenade
- Willow’s Call
- A Patchwork of Adventures
- The Brave and the Furry
- The Ewok Prophecy
- Echoes of the Forest

How To Choose A Good Ewok Name
Ewoks, those adorable, fuzzy inhabitants of the forest moon of Endor in the Star Wars universe, have captured the hearts of fans around the world. Whether you’re a devoted Star Wars enthusiast or simply appreciate these lovable creatures, one aspect of Ewok culture that often sparks curiosity is their unique naming convention. Selecting a suitable Ewok name requires careful consideration and an understanding of their culture, language, and characteristics. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of choosing a good Ewok name and provide you with a step-by-step guide to finding the perfect moniker for your little forest-dwelling friend.
Understanding Ewok Culture and Naming Conventions
To truly appreciate the art of choosing an Ewok name, it is important to delve into the heart of Ewok culture. Ewoks live in harmony with nature, and their naming conventions reflect their deep connection to the environment around them. Traditional Ewok names often derive from natural elements, such as plants, animals, or celestial phenomena. Additionally, Ewok names may also carry significance based on familial ties or historical events within their society. Understanding these cultural nuances will provide a solid foundation for your name selection process.
Researching Ewok Language and Sounds
To authentically capture the essence of an Ewok through their name, it is essential to familiarize yourself with their language and the distinct sounds that characterize it. While learning the entire Ewok language might be a tall order, gaining a basic understanding of its structure and phonetics will prove invaluable. Take note of the unique sounds present in Ewok speech, as these can add a touch of authenticity to the name you ultimately choose.
Considering Ewok Characteristics and Traits
Ewoks possess a range of physical features and personalities that can serve as inspiration for their names. Observe their charming physical traits, such as their large, expressive eyes, tufted ears, and furry bodies. Consider incorporating elements of their characteristics, such as their resourcefulness, bravery, or strong sense of community, into the name selection process. Matching these attributes with suitable name meanings and symbolism will help forge a deep connection between the Ewok and their chosen name.
Drawing Inspiration from Ewok Lore and Legends
Ewok culture is rich with captivating myths and stories that have been passed down through generations. Exploring these legends can provide a wealth of inspiration when searching for a fitting name. Discover the legendary Ewoks who have made their mark in the tales of Endor. Uncover the meanings and symbolism behind their names, and infuse these storytelling elements into your own name selection process. By incorporating the essence of Ewok lore, you can create a name that carries a sense of history and significance.
Personalizing the Ewok Name
Every Ewok is a unique individual, and personalizing their name is an opportunity to reflect their individuality and backstory. Consider your Ewok’s specific traits, experiences, and aspirations. Reflect on their place within the larger Ewok community and how they stand out from the crowd. Balancing their individuality with the broader cultural context will result in a name that is both authentic and meaningful.
Seeking Inspiration from Ewok Pop Culture References
The Star Wars franchise has permeated popular culture, and Ewoks have become beloved characters beyond the movies. Explore Ewok-related media, such as books, games, and merchandise, to discover iconic Ewok names that have resonated with fans worldwide. Drawing inspiration from these pop culture references can add a touch of fandom to your name selection process, making it even more enjoyable for Star Wars enthusiasts.
Testing and Finalizing the Ewok Name
Once you have compiled a list of potential Ewok names, it’s time to put them to the test. Experiment with the names in various contexts, such as speaking them aloud or imagining them as part of a story. Seek feedback and opinions from fellow Star Wars enthusiasts or friends who appreciate Ewoks. Take their input into account but remember that ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Embrace the name that feels right for your Ewok and embark on a new adventure with your newly christened furry friend.
We have explored the enchanting world of Ewoks and compiled the ultimate list of names for these furry and lovable creatures. From Wicket to Kneesaa, Paploo to Teebo, these names capture the unique charm and spirit of the Ewok species. Whether you’re a fan of the Star Wars franchise or simply drawn to these adorable forest dwellers, this list provides a wealth of options for naming your own Ewok-inspired characters or pets.
The diversity of Ewok names reflects the rich cultural tapestry of their society. Each name carries a distinct meaning and significance, often tied to nature or elements of their environment. Whether you prefer names inspired by plants, animals, or even celestial bodies, there is something for everyone on this list. These names not only add depth to the Ewok characters but also offer a glimpse into the world-building brilliance of the Star Wars universe.
So, whether you’re embarking on a creative project, seeking a unique name for your furry friend, or simply indulging in the whimsical world of Ewoks, the ultimate list of Ewok names is a valuable resource. Let your imagination soar as you explore this compilation, and may you find the perfect name that captures the spirit and wonder of these beloved creatures. Embrace the Ewok spirit and let these names bring joy and adventure into your life!
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