Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
A funny light name is a great way to turn heads and get attention. But selecting the perfect light name can be tricky, and this is where we come in! We’ve got tons of hilarious smart light name suggestions for you to pick from.
Smart lighting has become increasingly popular among home owners. They offer a variety of benefits including convenience, increased safety, better energy savings, and greater control over how the light functions.
In this day and age, most of us are too busy to spend our free time taking care of the lights. That’s why a light that is smart and intuitive is a godsend. These lights allow you to adjust the brightness, turn the lights on and off, and schedule their functions remotely.
If you’re planning on getting into the smart lighting business, then you’re going to want a name that will attract attention. After all, if you can’t get people’s attention, then no amount of marketing will work.
We’ve compiled a huge list of clever smart light names to give you plenty of inspiration. Let’s get started!
Funny Smart Light Names
There are lots of smart lights on the market. Some are even very funny. These funny smart light names will help you create a funny smart light name for your product.
Here are some funny smart light names that will help you in naming your smart light.
- Down Throat
- Xylophone
- Pocket Pussy
- Skipper
- The Murder Wizard
- Rabble
- I have an iPhone
- Tiny
- Sleeping Beauty
- House Lannister
- Gimpybutt’s iPad
- Tim’s Winnfield
- Dairy Queen
- Champion
- Cloudy
- Loony
- My Apple Forever
- King
- It’s a treasure
- Dum Dum
- Sugar Dimples
- Brilliant
- Lovebug
- My iPad Bitch!!
- Morning Blond
- Puritan
- Comedy King
- My Assistant
- Saga of Apple
- Stud
- Too much information
- Zandra
- Angel Face
- Loud Mouth
- The Alchemist
- Dancer
- Green Crack
- Sweet pea
- Ace
- Mechanic
- Mary Jane
- Sloppy nuts
- Afterlife Awakes
- iPhone wanted
- My Sir
- My Smitten Apple
- Passing Cloud
- My device
- Doofus
- Angelina
- Tiedemann
- One & Only
- The Nipple
- Bunch of iPhones
- Tech
- Smokey
- Marshmallow
- Poker
- Popsicle Sucker
- Lose Screw
- Lucy
- Don’t touch it
- Gizmo
- My Drona
- Googly
- Dino Nuggets
- Metal Wizard
- Dork
- Loser
- Chef
- I have a Phone
- Doc
- Oddball
Light Brand Name
Smart lights are growing rapidly and are quickly becoming one of the hottest trends in home lighting. But just because you can buy a smart light doesn’t mean you can get away with calling it a light.
Smart lights can be used in many ways, not only for lighting purposes but also to control the whole house. Therefore, when naming your smart light, it’s important to think about what your customer would want.
- Professor
- I’m Blue
- Dunce
- The Cameo
- Smarty
- Bomb
- Twin
- Justin Bieber
- Fat Salad
- Lexically
- Stark’s Earliest
- Allison
- Speedster
- Fruit Razor
- Big head
- iPhone Ego
- Junior
- Swizzle Stick
- Bacon Lover
- Missy
- Precious Pick
- Organic Apple
- Champ
- Pooh
- Bruiser
- Street Phone
- Bloody Ploughman
- Hulk
- Apples are high
- Tiger’s Eye
- Darling
- Demon
- Dropout
- Weirdo
- Your highness
- Coach
- Dead Kit Kat
- Cutie
- Bad boy
- Electric LETTUCE
- Wreck
- iPhone is an iPhone
- Sexy Lex
- Apple Grenade
- Autumn Glory
- iPhone’s Eyeballs
- House of Black
- Rainbow
- Rockstar
- Dyslexia
- My Majesty
- Hottie
- Ringy-Thingy
- Apple of Metal
Unique Names For Lights
This includes keeping your business name short and sweet. After all, you want people to remember your smart light.
If you want to keep your business name short and sweet, check out this collection of creative smart light names.
- Bored Banana
- Golden Boy
- Foodie
- Abnormal Always
- Maggot Brain
- Pimp Juice’s iPad
- Waken Pippin
- Bad Karma
- Alice in Wonderland
- Legend
- Senior
- Later Alligator
- Metal gear rex
- Pops
- My Apple
- Chocolate Bath
- Yardbird
- Chili Mango
- Sinister
- Servant
- Brutus
- Panda
- Tornado
- Judge
- Enter the Dragon
- Scum
- Heartbreaker
- Nuget
- I have an apple
- Bad Boyiezz
- Since Google
- Pal
- High on iPhone
- Cowboy
- Hep, I’m trapped
- Netflix Nerd
- Dummy
- Bonny Lass
- Pickle
- Lox Face
- Net Media
- Chief
- Butters
- Leader
- Girl friend
- Anonymous
- Ninja
- I’m Dumbest
- Captain Apples
- Snoozer
- Willy Wonka
- Evil Eye
- Harry Pothead
- Sherlock
Lighting Name Generator
Starting a lighting business is a daunting task, but naming your company is just as tough. Lighting products are very diverse and there are a ton of different companies in this industry. So when naming your lighting business, you need to ensure that you come up with something unique and distinctive.
With that in mind, here are some names that can spark your imagination. If you want to check out even more name generators,
- Dream girl
- Duckie
- Side Ch.-Apple
- Bumblebee
- Goob
- Don’t Apple-Y Me
- Fuji my life
- Vampire-Bella iPod
- Smells like an apple.
- Cook
- Evil Entity
- Always an iPhone
- Spoiled Brat
- Superstar
- Flame boy
- Mental piece
- Polly the Vampire Saviour
- Arjun; The winner
- Hey, Doodle
- Monkey
- Giggles
- Lil’ Boss
- Mister and Misses iPhone
- Matey
- Mate
- Blackie
- Mona
- Leathery Coat
- Hey, my doll
- Get Off My iPhone
- Alessandro
- The return of iPhone
- Buzz
- Bunch of Apple
- My Kiki
- Goon
- Miss Beautiful
- Brutus Device
- You idiot
- Hello Blondie
- It’s Steve’s
- Pansy
- Stud-Muffin
- The real iPhone
- Pilot
- Lady Alice
- My Apple Wand
- Happy Face
- IED Booby-Trap
- My love
- Lexine
- Sugar
- Hit the Road Jack Input
- Munchkin
- Dud
- Trash
Led Names
When it comes to choosing a name for your led lighting business, it’s not enough just to come up with a simple word and expect people to get it.
It’s important that you use a simple word, but also add some meaning behind it. For example, if you sell eco-friendly led lighting products, then ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘environmentally friendly’ could be good options for your led lighting company.
- Lucky
- Cookie
- Iron iPhone
- Tripin’ Beat
- Iron Apple
- Lavish Phone
- Doctor
- McGruff
- Weeper
- Gravity
- Captain America
- Bossoto
- Master
- Man Alive
- Kicker
- Mother Teresa
- Cheese ball
- Girls Are Gone
- Rocket
- iPhone is back.
- Smart
- Tipsy Chicken
- Nameless Child
- Logical
- Thoughts of apple
- Turkey
- George Bush
- Expensive iPhone
- Mobile Moan
- Star
- Balls Squeezer
- Baby Doodles
- Mobile Communication
- Google Head
- Boo
- Sister
- Siri’s phone
- Avenger
- Itchy Blonde
- Aqua-man
- Duplex
- Zombie Time
- Batman in Jail
- Couch Potato
- My Rose
- Panini Head
- Devil
- That’s A Very Big iPhone
- Mad Max!
- Dumbo
- Robot
- Alexis
- Control freak
- Blondie
- I am Apple
- Sweetheart
- Safeguard
- Alyza
Names Of Lighting Companies
LED lighting has changed the way that homes look today. With LED bulbs being used for the lights around the home, they have now become an integral part of the home.
As a result, many homeowners are looking to incorporate this style of lighting into their home, however there is a major problem with these lamps – they don’t look nice.
So if you’re planning on using LED lighting for your home, you need to make sure you pick a design that is going to fit well with the overall design of your home. This includes picking a name that will go along with it too.
- Anaconda Cells
- Lizard
- Apple Cookies
- Precious Pearl
- Princess
- Chubby
- Don’t Touch My Cell Steve
- Algebra
- Apple Pie
- Young laddy
- Zero Tolerance
- It’s just an expensive fruit
- Pipsqueak
- Biggie
- Gem
- My man
- Batman
- Skinny Bones
- Killer Karma
- I am Batman
- Half-Eaten Apple
- Harry Potter
- Lilly
- Spark Pug
- Money spent well.
- Annoying Little Bastard
- Tina Crab Apple
- Teddy
- Cripps Pink
- Battery-Buster
- Rosebud
- A-Ball
- An expensive piece of shit.
- Aladdin; The genie
- Genie is finally here
- Funny Thugs
- H-Apple-Y Ever After
- House Raid
- Buddy
- Cripps Pink iPhone
- Billi Jeans
- Broken face
- Bestie
- Mad skull
- Butt Alive
- It is a fruit.
- Minion
- That’s too much.
- Sheep Shagging Camera
- Kit kat
- Honeycrisp
- Bunny
- Smoothie
- Kim Chi
- Handsome Hunk
Light Nicknames
A light nickname is a cute name that is simple and easy to remember. Light nicknames can be used for many different business types, including online businesses, clothing stores, and even restaurants.
As long as you pick a cute and catchy light nickname, your customers will likely love it. That’s because light nicknames are perfect for businesses that need something quick and memorable.
- Hot Popcorn
- Hollow head
- Junk Juice
- Baldie
- A-Flex
- Apple Phonies
- Squirrel Kids
- Tesla
- Kido
- Smiley
- Have a bite
- Evil spirit
- Height of Ego
- Hunter
- Volcano
- Genius
- Annoying little Gadget
- The Pimp Ipizzle
- Apple Custard
- Champagne baby
- Gandalf
- Potato face
- Love Guru
- Tall Latte
- Apple Nipple
- Friend
- Magical
- It is Pricy
- Honeybun
- Leather Coat
- Bitch
- Better half
- I-Phone-A
- Admirer
- Cozy Bear
- Nerd
- Prince
- Sofa Kiddos
- Barbie
- Hack Me
- Amber
- Lover
- Tough Guy
- Insta Born
- Zero
- Misso
- Brat
- Chica
- Sherlock Phone
- Miss Piggy
- Quarantine
Name Related To Light
Lighting your home can be a very time consuming job. If you’re wondering how to keep your lights going all night long without getting tired, then you need to invest in funny light names.
The good news is that there are plenty of funny light names out there. They come in different styles, and colors too. Check out the collection of funny light names below and choose the best one for your home.
- Lice Head
- Zoltron’s iPad
- That’s a big appl
- Dude
- Alexandrite
- Gorgeous
- The American Mother
- Aladdin’s iPhone
- Brother
- My Hero
- Brainy
- Dimple Girl
- Dad
- Clit Commander
- Molecule
- Almond Joy
- Queen Victoria
- Bumpkin
- Public Hugs
- Stark Industries
- Lila
- Silly guy
- iPhone is coming
- Apple Doll
- Mad woman
- New Year, New iPhone
- Cup Cake
- Donald’s Chuck
- The Tricolor
- Giant
- Zombie’s iPad
Lighthouse Name Generator
Our Lighthouse name generator was designed to help you come up with a great name that stands out from the rest. It’s a quick and easy way to find the perfect business name that represents your business perfectly.
- Soul Sister
- Golden Apple
- Bloody Mary
- Geo
- Pumpkin
- Bro
- Bloody Apple
- Killer
- Hoodie
- Muggles
- Pinky
- Creep
- Yokel
- Fudge
- Honey
- iPhone Humming
- Michael Jakson
- Diamond
- Apple Bottom Jeans
- Cellphone No.1
- Baby
- Fatty
- It’s a bloody iPhone
- How’s it going?
- Mad girl
- Angel
- Mister Apple
- Murdered by Money
- Hey, Spartan
Funny Light Names
It’s very important that you know what type of business you want to go into before you start thinking of names for your business.
That said, when you are trying to name your business, you should be careful not to pick a name that sounds too similar to other businesses. This is because the same name might sound generic and not distinguish your business from the others.
Here are some examples of funny light names that could work well for a funny light business.
- Awesome iPhone
- Dare devil
- My Bliss
- That’ expensive
- Captain
- Lucky Charm
- Cutie patootie
- Chuckles
- Tydeman
- White Lady
- Winter stein
- Slim
- Alexander
- Tarzan
- The Apple of my Eye
- Just Expensive
- Baldwin
- My Dog’s Snout
- Freak
- Detective Apple
- Angels Eyeballs
- Cheer Leader
- Master mind
- Einstein’s Apple
- I Paid iPad
- Angry Bird
- Your McIntosh
- Bubble
- Razor Russet
- Lady Magnet
- It’s an iPhone
- Handsome
- Mine-Apple
- My treasure
- Homie
- Mini
- Queen Bee
- This Name Sucks
- Wifey

How to Name Your Smart Light
This article will provide you with all the helpful tips to help you settle on a catchy and chic name for your light bulb business.
Decide On the Norm of Your Light Bulb Business
Having a clear head as to what is going to be the niche of your light bulb business will help in ridding you of all the unnecessary ideas that are not associated with your idea of the light bulb line. Be clear as to what is the idea of your light bulb business, what its target audience is, and what particular niche.
Do you aim for your light bulb line to be viewed as sophisticated with more focus on nude shades? Or should it have a funky feel to it with the vibrant and glossy line of colors? Once you have a clear image of your light bulb business, selecting a name for it becomes easier.
Review your business plan, and concepts, and then note down phrases and words. These phrases and names can help in deciding the name for your light bulb business.
Don’t Choose a Long Name for Your Light Bulb Business
This is a given. Long light bulb company names are not easy to get the hang of especially if your light bulb business is new in town, which it is. To spread the word fast and smooth, opt for a brand name that is short, simple, and memorable.
If your light bulb business name is not easy to remember it will lose its vocal marketing. You want your friends, family, and employees to promote your business as much as possible and they can’t do it if they don’t remember the name themselves.
Lengthy names are not only difficult to memorize but also difficult to incorporate on smart light bulb packaging. A simple and short name helps in creating appealing brand designs and packaging and an appealing brand design leaves a lasting impression on your customers.
Get In Touch With Your Potential Buyers
Conversing with potential buyers to grasp what idea they have of your business and what they expect from it will help you a great deal in this matter.
Sit down and talk with them about their perception of your light bulb business and what they expect. The exchange of interesting new ideas, phrases, and creative undefined will prove to be helpful in this matter.