Last Updated on November 28, 2021 by Mubashir Rafique
Here we have shared some cool and creative Galician Names that you will like. Over the last year, we have helped thousands of people name their businesses, characters, and pets.
You can also choose a good name from the below list of Galician names. But make sure to select such a name that will impress your friends and family. Let’s dive in.
Galician Names
Here we have shared some of the best cool and catchy Galician names:
- Paio Mendez
- Barra
- Dionisia Cadavid
- Baltasar Cardosa
- Isolda Rodas
- Anton Junco
- Gracia Mato
- Estevo Mones
- Amadora Parada
- Octavio Goyanes
- Antia Rodis
- Firmino Caamano
- Teodora Camba
- Cervino
- Vítor Zea
- Xián Taboada
- Xoana Encinas
- Xeronimo Lazo
- Gasparo Ogas
- Iago Rios
- Zulima Medal
- Avelina Melle
- Cibrán Sion
- Ledicia Patino
- Benvido Candia
- Ruben Ulloa
- Xose Sedor
- Zulima Caldas
- Xose Marin
- Cora
- Violante Perrino
- Victor Aldana
- Lorenzo Mones
- Xonas Toca
- Adalberto Aday
- Nereida Canton
- Valentin Vale
- Carlos Noya
- Armida Lemus
- Roibén Amorin
- Euxea Sardinas
- Garduno
- Mauricio Boan
- Pilar Vallin
- Antia Martis
- Remixio Razo
- Isaura Junco
- Axel Pose
- Sofia Andal
- Goio Bares
- Carlos Viveiros
- Arceo
- Lazo
- Axel Lema
- Teodoro Sabedra
Galician Surnames
Below are some of the best Galician surnames that you will like:
- Coralia Basquez
- Cibrao Goy
- Xosefa Melle
- Pascoal de Rego
- Adruína Ferreyra
- Maximo Fraijo
- Cibrán Garduno
- Liboria Quiroga
- Amalia Agron
- Octavio de Castro
- Sira Mera
- Roibén Viveiros
- Ivan Vieira
- Olalla Leyton
- Barreiro
- Basquez
- Lorenzo Saavedra
- Imelda Cardosa
- Alba Marcelin
- Grana
- Artús Raya
- Lilia Viveiros
- Galez Cardosa
- Valerio Cancio
- Ofelia Bayona
- Del Villar
- Melchor Canlas
- Xenxo Salgado
- Uxío Cueto
- Pomba Caldeira
- Xabier Sandino
- Ferreyra
- Xenaro Caira
- Mafalda Vinas
- Vitoria Peredo
- Hilaria Ruybal
- Calisto Bugarin
- Alexandra Calo
- Ernesto Viveiros
- Panfila Goy
- Silvina Mazon
- Cilistro Goyanes
- Teodora Mato
- Hilaria Goris
- Xenara Patino
- Nereida Vigo
- Leopoldo Ron
- Anxo de Castro
- Alodia Montelongo
- Heitor Melendrez
- Albina Neira
- Cibrá de Castro
- Bares
- Eines Ferreira
Galician Baby Names
Following are some of the best Galician baby names to impress you:
- Zulena Lugo
- Imelda Saavedra
- Leda Goyanes
- Benvida Lazo
- Paz Tapia
- Zoraida Chacón
- Euloxio Andon
- Caetana Canosa
- Azucena Vara
- Xabier Sotolongo
- Heitor Viera
- Bernabe Padron
- Liduvina Patino
- Eloi Godoy
- Lorenzo Acuna
- Albina Mera
- Xaquin Zea
- Sara Nova
- Iria Lema
- Eira Canlas
- Purificacion Barreira
- Eufemia Vasquez
- Tegra de Soto
- Llounguís Mira
- Bahamonde
- Carreiro
- Bello
- Olegaria Fajardo
- Lemos
- Fiallo
- Violeta Melendrez
- Aranzazu Barela
- Adan Raya
- Moises Noboa
- Torcado Rodas
- Palmira Lemus
- Neves Salgado
- Xenxo Barela
- Anibal Pallares
- Olalla Navia
- Figueredo
- Octavio Roybal
- Senin Sion
- Felicidade Demato
- Torcado Santizo
- Estrela Sedor
- Denis Viera
- Roca Carreiro
- De Castro
- Deras
- Arximiro Dantes
- André Pinon
- Xaquin Donis
Medieval Galician Names
In this list, I have shared some of the best medieval Galician names for you:
- Silvana Vinal
- Adega Navia
- Torcado Troche
- Dorotea de Castro
- Xaquina Taboada
- Davila
- Brandán Miramontes
- Euxea Arra
- Artemisa Vieira
- Mafalda Fraijo
- Imelda Canton
- Fajardo
- Domingos Silveira
- Tereixa Vazquez
- Polendiñe Noboa
- Tristán Balboa
- Xilda Lemos
- Isadora Laza
- Aleixo Pazos
- Boaventura Lucio
- Dantes
- Pagination
- Bernaldo Tapia
- Brandán Pino
- Remixio Brea
- Tomas Candia
- Heitor Montelongo
- Nuria Mera
- Ana Rodas
- Cira Lugo
- Leonardo Montelongo
- Cesar Colan
- Ivan Ferreiro
- Verisima Miramontes
- Regina Mazon
- Caridade Verdugo
- Amelia Mones
- Exidio Saravia
- Caamano
- Arximiro Vina
- Paz Acevedo
- Cibrao Toca
- Xenoveva Cervantes
- Xusana Somoza
- Breixo Avellaneda
- Urbano Deras
- Xacobe Caira
- Caetano Aday
- Rosa Morquecho
- Alfonso Toran
- Bernaldo Souto
- Euloxio Vieira
Traditional Galician Names
In this list, you will see some useful and simple traditional Galician names:
- Sebastian Cervantes
- Pio Zea
- Iria Cea
- Bríxida Santizo
- Eutelo Chacón
- Xerome Ravelo
- Matias Donis
- Gironda
- Landelina Rozas
- Roi Sion
- Cancio
- Alberte Adión
- Axel Lazo
- Adela Meda
- Bríxida Cadavid
- Maxima Lucio
- Eufemia Agar
- Lucila Lucio
- Mariña Garduno
- Dorotea Cales
- Fernan Pose
- Marcelo Barroso
- Lois Souto
- Xose Bouza
- Tereixa Goris
- Fraijo
- Lucia Bayona
- Breixo Castro
- Natalia Ferreyra
- Elba Araújo
- Chan
- Salome Saravia
- Xustina Pinta
- Brandán Macedo
- Xan Avellaneda
- Narciso Bahamonde
- Antia Ferreira
- Otilia Bello
- Eutelo Mendez
- Xoel Verdugo
- Merces Pineiro
- Gracia Gironda
- Bran
- Clotilde Noia
- Landelina Amorin
- Vidal Sedor
- Breixo Valladares
- Antón Farina
- Oscar Vazquez
- Madalena Siqueiros
- Ovidia Testa

How to write Galician names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a Galician name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some Galician names from different sources, including novels, movies, and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters is your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create Galician names.
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Galician names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the subconscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they look cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the dwarf names that include hard to spell words.
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.