Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
Here we have shared some cool and creative Indonesian Names that you will like. Over the last year, we have helped thousands of people name their businesses, characters, and pets.
You can also choose a good name from the below list of Indonesian Names. But make sure to select such a name that will impress your friends and family.
Let’s dive in.
Indonesian Names
Here we have shared some of the best cool and catchy Indonesian names:
- Ramali Sueh-yén
- Angela Zhu
- Purwodarminto
- Wanandi Chuanli
- Kusumawijaya Genghis
- Azariah Bintang
- Hoanike An
- Aljan Maspaitella
- Onggano Tao
- Bathsheba Lumbanbatu
- Boaz Simarmata
- Sosro Liwei
- Camilla Fauzi
- Yohanes Iwan Widjaja
- Shiphrah Simamora
- Isabel Tahamata
- Mercy Sinusinga
- Limarta Wei
- Handjojo Jiaying
- Elkanah Rumasingap
- Iwan Djaja Sudirman
- Talim Wuzhou
- Wongso Yue
- Wendi Rong
- Benjamin Tarihoran
- Martinus Zein
- Hertanto Heng
- Damaris Babiat
- Sukarno
- Haakon Marasabessy
- Deddy Tirta Halim
- Eka Ade Pranata
- Sugondo Da
- Grace Napitupulu
- Doddy Sugiarto Budiman
- Titus Daparik
- Rusli Huilang
- Leah Hutajulu
- Jeremiah Muham
- Shinta Vera Gunardi
- Sinta
- Wiryo Xiaozhi
- Tsjitse Pooroe
- Eve Lambosa
- Hamdani Sudomo Lesmono
- Habakkuk Pinayungan
- Tedjamulia Lì
- Ary Susila Hartanto
- Winarto Zian
- Siebe Taihuttu
- Ruby Bangun
- Dan Lambe
- Mercy Malau
- Tedjokumoro Xiaoqing
- Yektiurip Rùfen
Indonesian Last Names
Below are some of the best fantastic Indonesian last names that you will like:
- Esther Penggarun
- Suhendra Raja Atmadja
- Jeremy Nahampun
- Pahlawan Nianzu
- Manasseh Sidebang
- Widya Ida Sugiarto
- Mercy Cambo
- Wina Sanaky
- Obadiah Baeha
- Elnathan Nadeak
- Marah Padang
- Abraham Doloksaribu
- Jo Maspaitella
- Kusuma Harta Lesmono
- Wulan Utari Setiabudi
- Enoch Butarbutar
- Hengki Susanto Dharmawijaya
- Yuda Raharjo Tahyadi
- Wangi Erlin Hartanto
- Matthew Depari
- Erlin Yenny Hartono
- Erlin Liana Tedja
- Shem Ujung
- Chandra Xiaosi
- Lusanto Yunru
- Elihu Naiborhu
- Hoanike Li
- Elisha Sinupayung
- Loekman Chun
- Nassaar Tutupoly
- Moses Simargolang
- Tanuwidjaja Yaozu
- Hengki Sudomo Santoso
- Susilo
- Adah Tumanggor
- Sucianty Liana Rachman
- Nahum Sidahapintu
- Marcus Sanaky
- Samson Ulunjadi
- Asaph Lingga
- Indah Sinta Sanjaya
- Ytsen Kayhatu
- Miriam Daulay
- Mega Glenna Chandra
- Hadi Deddy Cahyadi
- Manasseh Meliala
- Gotama Qiang
- Mega Shinta Kartawijaya
- Micaiah Hutabangun
- Suhendra Iskandar Lesmono
Indonesian Girl Names
Following are some of the best impressive Indonesian girl names to impress you:
- Apollos Parapat
- Zebulun Ulunjadi
- Tanoto Dingbang
- Lillian or Lily Sukatendal
- Yuda Deddy Atmadja
- Tjandrawinata Zongying
- Abraham Sidauruk
- Yuliana Shinta Tan
- Hadian Eko Tedja
- Widyawati Cinta Widjaja
- Marah Aruan
- Agung Kuwat Cahyadi
- Damarwulan
- Lestari
- John Sinamo
- Gera Jampang
- Brammetje Pattihahuan
- Alexander Maliam
- Dian Intan Oesman
- Eka Vera Tanuwidjaja
- Lukas Jiahui
- Wulan Sinta Hartanto
- Gunadi Shirong
- Celine Cresbon
- Tjandrakusuma Song
- Ratu Putri Gunardi
- Adi
- Dhaahir Tutupoly
- Martha Karokaro
- Santoso Jingfei
- Bulan Fanny Darmali
- Wienathan Hu
- Slamet Irwan Hartanto
- Folker Hafiedz
- Kumala Yubi
- Atarah Rambe
- Bildad Mismis
- Hope Tampubolon
- Deborah Sidari
- Yulia Siska Halim
- Rebekah Hutahaean
- Sarai Karokaro
- Ophrah Sihombing
- Damaris Matanari
- Kusuma Yu
- Satyalim Jinghua
- Windra Lee
- Indra Hamdani Sudjarwadi
- Laban Sipangkar
- Glenna Mega Susman
Indonesian Boy Names
In this list, I have shared some of the best catchy Indonesian boy names for you:
- Olive Babo
- Slamet Iman Setiabudi
- Benaiah Sitanggang
- Sharon Berutu
- Teguh Hengki Kusnadi
- Victoria Rumasondi
- Tjhia Qingling
- Hamdani Raja Hartono
- Hermen Soumokil
- Kusuma Shunyuan
- Joel Marbun
- Gershon Sibarani
- Teddy Bohai
- Krisna Wahyu Tan
- Tri Darma Hermanto
- Utami Eka Tahyadi
- Jorik Tahitu
- Batari Widya Iskandar
- Delilah Sidabungke
- Sugiarto Tirto Pranoto
- Muntasir Latupapua
- Sudiroprojo
- Charity Lingga
- Eko
- Rufus Sibabiat
- Leendert Hungan
- Hoanita Delun
- Doutzen Supusepa
- Darma Hartono Tan
- Soetanto Chung
- Hartanti Sucianty Oesman
- Wijono Xiaotong
- Tanadi Xiaojian
- Agung Wibawa Rachman
- Suharto Agus Jayadi
- Cain Sidabungke
- Suharto
- Noah Bakara
- Tanasal Qingzhao
- Wulan Mega Kurniawan
- Ramesh Muskitta
- Angryanto Kong
- Liecharlie Hongqi
- Jasper Torong
- Wulan Dwi Indradjaja
- Hoanita Renshu
- Ratu Eka Tedja
- Immanuel Pandiangan
- Wibawa Suhendra Hartono
Common Indonesian Names
In this list, you will see some of the best creative common Indonesian names that you will like:
- Susanti
- Eko Yandi Setiabudi
- Teguh Handoko Setiabudi
- Ezekiel Maharaja
- Deborah Barus
- Tobiah Haro
- Grace Sabab
- Suhandi An
- Limantoro Chenglei
- Ivan Sonny Indrajaya
- Nirmala Yuliani Darmadi
- Paul Manik
- Asa Lumbantungkup
- Waseem Muskita
- Tjokro Zihao
- Radja Tè
- Warren Matulessi
- Elisha Sipahutar
- Seth Sihotang
- Indra Johan Muljana
- Joshua Telun
- Alexander Silitonga
- Shiphrah Lumbansiantar
- Dyatmiyati
- Sri Dwi Hardja
- Mastoora Loppies
- Ratu
- Taslim Guang
- Amaziah Baruara
- Dina Thomas
- Iskandar Huan
- Dorcas Matullesy
- Yulia Yuliana Gunawan
- Susanna Daparik
- Dian
- Winardi Xifeng
- Slamet
- Nursalim Luli
- Amos Doloksaribu
- Susila Hendri Sanjaya
- Adina Sidabalok
- Andrij Aratuaman
- Angela Capah
- Hadassah Martumpu
- Rose Lumbantoruan
- Eunice Kombara
- Iskandar Eka Sasmita
- Liemena Guowei
- Muljoto Huifang
- Eko Hendri Sudjarwadi

How to write Indonesian Names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with an Indonesian name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some Indonesian names from different sources, including novels, movies, and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters in your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create Indonesian names.
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Indonesian names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the subconscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they look cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the dwarf names that include hard to spell words.
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.