Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
Here we have shared some cool and creative krogan Names that you will like. Over the last year, we have helped thousands of people name their businesses, characters, and pets.
You can also choose a good name from the below list of krogan names. But make sure to select such a name that will impress your friends and family.
Let’s dive in.
Krogan Names
Here we have shared some of the best cool and catchy krogan names:
- Vitarog Charn
- Mudtar Vregara
- Drotarok Dund
- Srurdok Gurko
- Kol Drand
- Vrardon Cronki
- Curbon Mid
- Vrax Kregas
- Zrordan Tinako
- Jabakur Jiyax
- Gutarok Kharge
- Krukrax Druxxe
- Tekmor Gregor
- Wikmor Worak
- Katilak Puyak
- Qebrakir Jidu
- Fok Tayas
- Crayrdok Tronak
- Gukmar Kruga
- Hontor Zrax
- Qatatog Breyaxi
- Striksar Chonda
- Prerkan Trutack
- Revrak Zrurka
- Qok Wrund
- Zrebakur Porm
- Widrax Crusk
- Sruash Kazka
- Wraash Drokar
- Furbon Giggi
- Zrargal Foyax
- Hatarok Minake
- Qayrloc Crugar
- Butarum Zrorm
- Qevrak Busku
- Trakmor Cirn
- Droyrloc Crayas
- Wekaror Pugor
- Trobrakir Pranak
- Sarlok Duxxa
- Tindok Rogasa
- Bratarum Kigasi
- Krirdok Vind
- Pux Wirmu
- Sokson Groyak
- Fiyrdok Cukora
- Zretarun Tuxu
- Hekador Faxx
- Pakmor Pikore
- Kersan Wur
- Petarun Zrund
- Kardak Dregori
- Wantor Kheyak
- Drerloc Srirak
- Seash Tozki
- Culot Qragora
Krogan Mass Effect Names
In this list, I have shared some of the best krogan mass effect names for you:
- Stretarun Krayak
- Natarok Chaski
- Wutarog Wisku
- Bebrakir Mond
- Tarsan Vulako
- Harlok Nunak
- Hurgon Vrer
- Khabrakir Vogor
- Drurax Rurga
- Daash Wrurm
- Hirloc Vrarge
- Vatilak Grorg
- Mumar Quzka
- Vukirum Qugasa
- Gradark Fokoru
- Pursan Mugaso
- Cavanor Suxi
- Wramar Mikori
- Narax Krigo
- Sorloc Khugaro
- Rotarum Guyak
- Fuvanor Nand
- Grimar Crusko
- Forgon Hayas
- Purdan Vayax
- Sruyrdok Qukor
- Drarax Zrir
- Brek Srark
- Wral Prugg
- Preksar Griyasu
- Chutilak Pagase
- Nardan Kruyak
- Gux Chirgu
- Madtar Torni
- Vramar Cigor
- Vrintor Zrogaso
- Vrukirum Duzk
- Drukson Kerg
- Randok Pegas
- Greksar Struyak
- Vrelot Strakor
- Ventor Trayas
- Qravrak Trulaka
- Rarkan Zrad
- Qolot Holak
- Qrabakur Prada
- Bradrax Zrarg
- Witarog Vruske
- Perdak Rirm
- Forbok Nixx
- Strutarog Zrer
- Bokirum Fax
- Qurdon Brirg
Female Krogan Names
In this list, you will see some useful and simple female krogan names:
- Putarok Ror
- Watarog Kekari
- Krabrakir Krirku
- Grotarum Qozku
- Judtar Crag
- Neyrloc Poxx
- Gutarog Kurma
- Rirloc Srosk
- Vakmar Krurda
- Cherdan Bundo
- Drukmor Drokar
- Chukirum Groyaxu
- Prukrax Pond
- Broyrloc Chanke
- Prex Jag
- Berloc Krogara
- Rokaror Vreraka
- Struntor Nalaka
- Cabrakir Strond
- Srakmor Sugor
- Pikrax Brogg
- Dukrax Zrunk
- Mikson Bird
- Hikmor Drora
- Krakador Drind
- Struksor Mergo
- Madtar Dond
- Trax Doggi
- Rutarum Cranaku
- Jarsan Sarni
- Wraksan Wrotacke
- Soyrloc Dralaki
- Crorloc Fuski
- Wrubakur Zruyaso
- Kraksan Wrurm
- Quksar Meggu
- Vurdon Deggu
- Julot Khuyax
- Krurgon Gar
- Pondok Kugara
- Wotarok Trurako
- Nurkan Jirg
- Venar Dragor
- Stratarog Cruxxu
- Kuntor Qix
- Madrax Jerma
- Sirdan Qrunak
- Zrakson Fusk
- Hivanor Hinki
- Cotilak Doxxu
- Gul Marm
- Strurtak Drigg
- Wrumar Strirde
Male Krogan Names
In this list, you will see some of the best male krogan names that you will like:
- Grukmor Corda
- Chax Chayase
- Vekaror Vratacka
- Wramar Sirnu
- Vroyrloc Ceyaka
- Mumar Qruyake
- Trokaror Park
- Trurgal Brandu
- Krorgon Manako
- Jadrak Tormo
- Sirgal Hord
- Tatatog Qrirgo
- Kharloc Tarak
- Tritarog Grixa
- Trilot Crurra
- Vrivrak Curka
- Midtar Strugase
- Vrodrak Qruzk
- Craksan Kakara
- Hatarum Creyasu
- Kutilak Gad
- Bratarog Grutacku
- Dreyrdok Dreyaki
- Hakador Jukor
- Hevarog Crend
- Payrloc Mokaru
- Strurgal Gando
- Tayrdok Punak
- Fudrax Quxe
- Kuk Vrir
- Kardok Churn
- Quyrdok Wrugare
- Crondok Drenku
- Troash Dragas
- Wrorbon Gregora
- Crakmor Wrirre
- Credrak Khayaki
- Zrukirum Vokar
- Bolot Trayas
- Primar Strukor
- Covanor Trutack
- Crukmor Prud
- Brirax Work
- Borgal Dank
- Dokaror Cunk
- Volot Stragor
- Prardok Guyaxi
- Strakson Saraka
- Batarun Garda
- Vrersan Khusk
Krogan Home World Names
Below are some of the best krogan home world names that you will like:
- Hadrax Vuzko
- Hurbon Nagar
- Sutarog Crorko
- Wrardan Pax
- Fatilak Gask
- Nurlok Qrexi
- Nel Puxu
- Tidark Sruyak
- Wamar Tanka
- Dotarum Struxe
- Hudrak Strire
- Jebrakir Jirr
- Rerdon Fulaki
- Pruksor Zrazk
- Qraksan Drirk
- Hudrax Vroyax
- Fabakur Fanda
- Perdon Honda
- Wrirloc Culake
- Huyrloc Pregor
- Hargal Zruyas
- Cotarun Hirn
- Huyrloc Krusk
- Satarun Zrur
- Ridrax Brukoro
- Favrak Cuske
- Jerax Selako
- Wrovrak Beyas
- Vok Crugase
- Bredtar Qerra
- Gatarog Prargu
- Pukmar Porri
- Tetilak Nayas
- Puksor Paga
- Gedtar Grarmi
- Zrayrloc Rage
- Chok Zrork
- Qavarog Muxo
- Caksor Dund
- Natilak GazkKanar Draggo
- Proksar Funk
- Dargon Heda
- Sanar Drug
- Kritarum Stritacko
- Trekrax Khaxa
- Nokmor Tuxa
- Gevanor Chonk
- Dal Qinak
- Gabakur Targ
- Jidark Rogg

How to write krogan names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a krogan name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some krogan names from different sources, including novels, movies, and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters is your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create krogan names.
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Krogan names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the subconscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they look cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the dwarf names that include hard to spell words.
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.