Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
In this article, we have shared some cool and amazing scientific disease names. That you can use for free and anywhere you want.
Let’s dive in.
Scientific Disease Names
Enlisted are some cool and catchy scientific disease names, that you’ll like:
- Diseases of Carrot
- Lepra Pulmonum (Lung Leprosy)
- Whinorrhea
- Diseases of Pigeonpea
- Glarea Epiglottidis (Eppiglotis Gravel)
- Diseases of Onion and Garlic
- Senilis Caput (Head Weakness)
- Diseases of Cranberry
- Molliplexia Asture
- Contusio Niger (Black Contusion)
- Carris Sesis
- Dilaudopenia
- Cosus Cataris
- Febris Abdominalis (Abdominal Fever)
- Diseases of Garden Dahlia
- Spasmus Coxa (Hip Spasms)
- Diseases of Verbena
- Scophulosis Senilis (Dry Scrofula)
- Fatuiga Semotio
- Mormotio Vinoma
- Colica Intermittens (Intermittent Colic)
- Scolitis Contrases
- Spastuses Conlica
- Summer Teeth
- Noma Molle (Soft Canker)
- Debinoma Senibanus
- Rheumatismus Cerebri (Brain Rheumatism)
- Pernisceptio Ecclaphalus
- Angina Uteri (Uterus Chest pain)
- Convulsio Sinistra (Left Convulsion)
- Diseases of Poinsettia
- Calphalus Aneusis
- Inflammatio Membranacea (Membrane Inflammation)
- Legina Vicinoma
- Commotio Astuosa (Hot Concussion)
- Intescus Venexia
- Myelitis Laceratum (Lacerated Paraplegia)
- Diseases of Apricot
- Contutus Conculus
- Ecclampsia Jecoris (Liver Convulsions)
- Diseases of Celery
- Pernivatio Phthinis
- Throckmorton Sign
- Catium Accexia
- Ecclampsia Verminosa (Verminous Convulsions)
- Peritus Glottidis (Glottis Deceased)
- Agonia Senilis (Dry Cramps)
- Infirmus Remittens (Remittent Weak)
- Scophulosis Cavum (
Fake Illness Names
Below are some of the fake illness names, that you’ll like:
- Hollow Scrofula
- Biscuit Poisoning
- Senilis Cavum (Hollow Weakness)
- Explosio Motus (Locomotion Explosion)
- Morbilli Luteus (Yellow Measles)
- Ambutas Infenoma
- Bugs In the Rug
- Commorhus Abscexia
- Vet Like Qualities
- Contracture Magnus (Mighty Stricture)
- Contranis Fatuses
- Cancrum Acerbus (Sharp Canker)
- Asmis Exma
- Haemorrhois Fuscus (Brown Hemorrhoids)
- Unholy Trinity
- Lepra Membranacea (Membrane Leprosy)
- Crampus Rheumatica (Rheumatic Cramps)
- Galbanus Os (Mouth Jaundice)
- Dicky-Do
- To Hell And Back
- Calris Cholenia
- Crampus Motus (Locomotion Cramps)
- Gangraena Folia (Leaf Gangrene)
- Ataxia Fuscus (Brown Ataxia)
- Q-Dot Sign
- Diseases of Rye
- Thor Sign
- Perirea Spasnus
- Diseases of Pearl Millet
- Diseases of Papaya
- Galtium Asphia
- Lerisma Myetis
- Debilitas Agita (Shaking Weakness)
- Aneurisma Motus (Locomotion Aneurysm)
- Contrapisis Innia
- Inses Morbipisis
- Pernitio Amsis
- Galbanus Abdominalis (Abdominal Jaundice)
- Commoga Intephia
- Haemorrhagia Collum (Neck Hemorrhage)
- Angises Pricrum
- Fibrolupusthenia Gravis
- Crampus Arenosum (Sandy Cramps)
- Calhagia Mamen
- Morbinis Contrafectio
Latin Disease Names
Below are some of the Latin disease names for you:
- Ignis Glottidis (Glottis Burning)
- Diseases of Banana and Plantain
- Diseases of Butterfly Flower
- Hydrops Puerperalis (Puerperal Dropsis)
- Contutus Ingina
- Calcuciose Intexia
- Vermis Dentes (Teeth Worms)
- Senilis Abdominalis (Abdominal Weakness)
- Vermis Ilii (Ilium Worms)
- Diseases of Azalea
- Fafectio Cramtis
- Food seeking behavior
- Vitium Putrida (Rotten Disease)
- Malor Amvatio
- Diseases of Asparagus
- Typical Teenager
- Asga Senitas
- Gangraena Cavum (Hollow Gangrene)
- Upset Son Is Demanding Admission
- Frationes Intesphalus
- Diseases of Cineraria
- Status Hispanicus
- Diseases of Cotton
- Conli Scomotio
- Ambulor Canlities
- Color Calses
- Anal Glaucoma
- Senilis Articulorum (Joint Weakness)
- Cephaloanal Confusion
- Calcumen Nocbus
- Otitis Ventriculi (Stomach Inflammation)
- Frabus Lelus
- Acute Evaluation Syndrome
- Sad Pandas
- Rheumatismus Collum (Neck Rheumatism)
- Mollities Caput (Head Softening)
- Intessusceptio Tonsillaris (Tonsils Intussusception)
- Venemis Senirea
- Intus Ecclatium
- Aneuciose Absis
- Phthisis Siccus (Dry Consumption)
- Gangraena Rheumatica (Rheumatic Gangrene)
- Haemorrhois Incognita (Unidentified Hemorrhoids)
- Sparhagia Hylitas
- Aneurisma Intermitte
Scientific Names Of Diseases
Following are some scientific names of diseases, that you’ll like:
- Intermittent Aneurysm
- Fake and Shake
- Spalica Pernimus
- Diseases of Pea
- Scormotio Tunoma
- Diseases of Mustard
- Pleunus Agolosis
- Scophulosis Cordis (Heart Scrofula)
- Arrestogenic Shock
- Cholerica Laceratum (Lacerated Cholera)
- Mollibus Vervatio
- Diseases of Jerusalem Cherry
- Fulmen Sinistra (Left Lightning)
- Gelatio Fuscus (Dark Frost)
- Ascinoma Rheusia
- Myemotio Rheulus
- Catasus Gatas
- Chorea Arenosum (Sandy Dance)
- Diseases of Chickpea
- Mollities Remittens (Remittent Softening)
- Morma Gases
- Diseases of Spinach
- Glarea Caput (Head Gravel)
- Chorhagia Prises
- Aneurisma Hirudo (Leech Aneurysm)
- Apoplexia Puerperalis (Puerperal Stroke)
- Intephalus Exmatio
- Cholerica Epiglottidis (Eppiglotis Cholera)
- Pseudoseizuritis
- Abscessus Senilis (Dry Abscess)
- Ecclampsia Ovarii (Ovarian Convulsions)
- Inflammatio Sinistra (Left Inflammation)
- Crampus Sinistra (Left Cramps)
- Crampus Coxa (Hip Cramps)
- Diseases of Cattleya Lindl. spp
- Discharge Sign
- Carbunculus Magnus (Mighty Carbuncle)
- Commoxia Spaslis
- Scoture Verrisma
- Gelali Venesia
Random Disease Names
Here are some of the random disease names for you:
- Infectio Ulna (Elbow Infection)
- Calculi Nocfectio
- Myelitis Magnus (Mighty Paraplegia)
- Ignis Ulna (Arm Burning)
- Cholitas Astheture
- Galbalities Catationes
- Nocbanus Catafectio
- Cholerica Dentes (Teeth Cholera)
- Diseases of Peanut
- Ictus Rubra (Scarlet Trauma)
- Diseases of Coconut Palm
- Acute Lead Poisoning
- Aneurisma Sacer (Sacred Aneurysm)
- Diseases of Bleeding Heart
- Gangraena Sinistra (Left Gangrene)
- Chobanus Infelus
- Ambugraena Contuties
- Callbellectomy
- Obstructiones Molle (Soft Obstruction)
- Haemorrhagia Fuscus (Dark Hemorrhage)
- Diseases of Hop
- Infectio Hirudo (Leech Infection)
- Suicidal Vacation
- Too Old To Hyperventilate
- Galplexia Pesritis
- Terminal Fibrocryalgia
- Diseases of Impatiens
- Hydrocephalus Remittens (Remittent Hydrocephalus)
- Carbutium Choletuses
- Diseases of Potato
- Exhaustio Remittens (Remittent Exhaustion)
- Veris Senirica
- Myetismus Fatuicrum
- Convusis Conmis
- Peritus Pes (Foot Deceased)
- Aneurisma Cerritum (Frantic Aneurysm)
- Chosceptio Privadrops
- Cell Phone Sign

How to create Scientific Disease Names by Yourself
There are some tips and tricks that will help you to create a name by yourself without asking others.
Brainstorm And Make A List Of Scientific Disease Names
Think about the names that you like and the names that you have to listen to from others and make a list of all the names that come to your mind. The name will be given on it’s symptoms.
Then decide a special name that you like the most and very rare in society. and you know that’s a very special name.
Avoid Hard-To-Spell And Hard To Remember Names
Before giving a name to a disease you have to think that the name you are giving, is very easy to spell and all the people can easily remember the name and don’t have any difficulty in remembering and spelling the name.
By avoiding hard spelling the name will automatically look attractive and easy to remember for all.
Conduct A Thorough Internet Search
We all know that this is the era of technology and we all have the technologies that we use in our everyday life. Internet is also a part of technology and we all have the access to work on it.
So you can use the internet to search for a beautiful, attractive, and cool name for anyone you want. The Internet can provide you a wide variety of names that you like very much.
Make Sure The Name Sounds Good When Said Aloud
We also know that an easy and beautiful name when said loud has a very beautiful sound.
When you name someone, first make sure that the name has given to them makes a good sound when you or someone calls the name of the scientific disease in public.
The name must have a good impression on the listener and as well as caller. And when it said loud, it’s sound beautiful. And the person feels comfortable when the name sound’s good.
Keep It Short & Simple
Before naming a scientific disease you have to know that, the name must be very simple and short.
Short and simple names can easily be pronounced without any difficulty. If the name is hard to pronounce and very long, then people will remember the disease without his name.
We hope that you all like the names that we have shared for you, and you suggest our site to others to find their dream names.