Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
Welcome to our blog article on “400 Troll Names”! If you’re looking for some creative and unique names for your trolls, you’ve come to the right place. As William Shakespeare once said, “What’s in a name? That which we call a troll by any other name would still smell as foul.” In this article, we’ve compiled a list of troll names that are sure to add an extra dose of mischief and charm to your fantasy worlds.
As a Naming Specialist with three years of experience, I have delved into the fascinating world of naming fantasy characters. From elves to dwarves, and now trolls, I’ve had the pleasure of creating captivating names that bring these creatures to life. Through extensive research and a keen eye for linguistic nuances, I’ve honed my skills in crafting names that resonate with the essence of each character.
In this article, I promise you a treasure trove of unique names for your trolls. Whether you’re an avid gamer, a writer, or simply someone seeking inspiration for a fun username, this list has got you covered. So, prepare to be enchanted as we unveil a collection of troll names that will surely ignite your imagination and make your trolls unforgettable. Get ready to embark on a journey through the realm of mischief and marvel!
Troll Names

- Log’non
- Zyra
- Vulzal
- Zoh’zuh
- Teja
- Lubo
- Shakawatha
- Zhohlusho
- Teza
- Nil’ma
- Skunk Ape
- Zin’ji
- Azibo
- Zulkaz
- Zulrajas
- Zoljin
- Trolgar
- Csini
- Bastet
- Zelaji
- Zar’dan
- Jan’za
- Yuhai
- Tedar
- Alunja
- Mothun
- Duh’mu
- Sa’mashnenn
- Tai’nol
- Satyr
- Sibuhe
- Kongaz
- Les’napa
- Xishu
- Paikei
- Unul’kia
- Yawan
- Rohjarol
- Juljin
- Anje
- Vanjin
- Gihi
- Yivinja
- Nepita
- Kol’ge
- Yeree
- Jaryaya
- Kazko
- Yajdna
- Nelina
- Girisha
- Jezemalu
- Kaijin
- Hul’ma
- Ttarmek
- Melkree
- Anubis
- Ugoki
- El’son
- Feylin
- Lazdiar
- Teshi
- Vumeann
- Xeazaevu
- Manticore
- Reji
- Arrach
- Vuzashi
- Napokue
- Seshia
- Vekuzz
- Ciguapa
- Shuh’sago
- Zea
- Yesha
- Jojin
- Zulwatha
- Dingonek
Funny Troll Names

- Springheeled Jack
- Kug’the
- Vanaca
- Pukwudgie
- Druzo
- Ukreve
- Zulkraa
- Gul’ma
- Us’za
- Hyptu
- Aigamuxa
- Zuljah
- Suliya
- Toshoh
- Zenma
- Keja
- Zulrea
- Xaajun
- Zoozmen
- Shosepul
- Rakash
- Eza
- Gogmagog
- Oruroy
- Rangi
- Venjo
- Inah
- Vinji
- Bihohma
- Jack-in-Irons
- Rahjin
- Zas’tiash
- Loz’ji
- Ruzun
- Fekro
- Xur’nakahn
- Hes’no
- Wejaapol
- Waizokan
- Jubukraa
- Manohn
- Zuljin
- Jinthaiya
- Bunjin
- Jehre
- Chupacabra
- Mecazru
- Zon’tsivu
- Daz’jeir
- Sho’zi
- Tremboz
- Pulmor
- Kheku’maeh
- Javilla
- Voyambi
- Human
- Wanjin
- Mu’thuhosh
- Maalik
- Tazingo
- Meenah
- Sollix
- Makali
- Lakjin
- Alwan
- Zinko
- Grendel
- Zelreavu
- San’roruz
- Ogre
- Ajin
- Pendi
- Seshi
- Ziataja
- Ziacan’meh
Female Troll Names

- Aihda
- Paim’gein
- Ekon
- Hokima
- Ronjaty
- Draamun
- Vonjai
- Hair’teju
- Haijen
- Mezilkree
- Damari
- Pol’sugun
- Saedmara
- Zallah
- Tzodon
- Kiya
- Tril’ghin
- Ziataaman
- Weg’chuman
- Lin’zasho
- Kar’zoy
- Sandwalker
- Om’tu
- Zalmea
- Malak
- Dreh’gu
- Xum’kosh
- Jayunya
- Fomorians
- Ohma
- Es’ton
- Razi
- Mel’jen
- Ymer
- Vulzala
- Tar’jei
- Zara
- Zinjo
- Puh’kath
- Lah’tuhor
- Shaktila
- Zulja
- Yera
- Ugomoh
- Zufem
- Hakalai
- Os’to
- Dunker
- Xishaik
- Fisuth
- Si’kien
- Shadrala
- Zulbaljin
- Tari
- Ah’gun
- Tayo
- Khaz’mu
- Zalma
- Xaizko
- Bendi
- Basilisk
- Pujati
- Zoti
- Zun’roju
- Sulynn
- Jam’tia
- Jabir
- Takra
Good Troll Names

- Shomo
- Onzi
- Famia
- Kel’soro
- Zulyafi
- Juma
- Tanjin
- Keahuzuth
- Rool’ka
- Suja
- Zulgeteb
- Trym
- Ejie
- Jiranty
- Halasuwa
- Zashi
- Prerrahar
- Recije
- Jötnar
- Soh’za
- Shal’ma
- Jijel
- Equinus
- Jin’kan
- Hrungnir
- Sae’da
- Zujia
- Sligo
- Keahduju
- Rotal’ja
- Tasiya
- Yetu
- Jumoke
- Zhonder
- Ore
- Ohea’tsah
- Zevrij
- Geirröd
- Trezzahn
- Rhazin
- Mindie
- Baliaja
- Shamra
- Xon’zu
- Kuroji
- Titamor
- Eh’za
- Jen’tseann
- Shon’gosei
- Ridejon
- Sheso
- Rujabu
- Nyabingi
- Ziataima
- Zebajin
- Lisi
- Lovuk
- Rujin
- Jalai
- Blemmyes
- Huyi
- Veo
- Anji
- Shaemizo
- Pon’guka
- Toven’jeih
- Dral’ghuk
- Kenaya
- Bon’tsuya
- Esha
Best Troll Names

- Rejiwo
- Tzane
- Zaejin
- Dalzo
- Gamjee
- Hokajin
- Trolls
- Xukundi
- Hamedi
- Khuwei
- Ru’tsu
- Arany
- Javinda
- Mohanlal
- Khohru
- Laojin
- Paehaen
- Tral’ghulak
- Teixann
- DitidJavyn
- Kelraz
- Hodag
- Zesa
- Erodjan
- Xarmash
- Boonoo
- Shaktilar
- Eleja
- Zhien’zo
- Zor’mumehn
Troll Name Generator
- Xing Tian
- Kelmaeka
- Kog’muy
- Yamike
- Suje
- Ih’thian
- Shengis
- Rasha
- Tizali
- Kululu
- Kusaepiy
- Olkira
- Hiroh
- Lucenwith
- Bie
- Zutijaer
Wow Troll Names
- ArcaneWhisper
- Shadowbane
- Frostfire
- Thunderstrike
- Doombringer
- Nightshade
- Soulreaper
- Blazefury
- Grimtide
- Stormweaver
- Frostfang
- Shadowcaster
- Thornwhisper
- Darkheart
- Bloodmoon
- Spellbinder
- Deathshroud
- Stormrider
- Shadowstrike
- Doomhammer
- Moonshadow
- Frostwind
- Darkfire
- Dreadspell
- Stormbreaker
- Shadowfall
- Bloodthorn
- Hexblade
- Frostburn
- Nightfall
Troll Names Homestuck
- VriskaSerket
- KarkatVantas
- GamzeeMakara
- TereziPyrope
- KanayaMaryam
- EquiusZahhak
- NepetaLeijon
- AradiaMegido
- FeferiPeixes
- SolluxCaptor
- EridanAmpora
- MeenahPeixes
- VantasZahhak
- SerketLeijon
- PyropeMegido
- AmporaPeixes
- MakaraSerket
- MaryamVantas
- ZahhakPyrope
- LeijonMegido
- PeixesSerket
- CaptorVantas
- MegidoPyrope
- PyropeVantas
- LeijonPeixes
- ZahhakSerket
- MakaraVantas
- MaryamPeixes
- AmporaLeijon
- MegidoSerket
- SerketPyrope
Troll Names For Games
- Shadowstrike
- Bloodfang
- Deathbringer
- Nightshade
- Frostfire
- Doomhammer
- Stormrider
- Grimtide
- Blazefury
- Thunderstrike
- ArcaneWhisper
- Frostwind
- Shadowbane
- Soulreaper
- Stormweaver
- Darkheart
- Doombringer
- Frostfang
- Nightfall
- Thornwhisper
- Bloodmoon
- Spellbinder
- Shadowcaster
- Deathshroud
- Frostburn
- Stormbreaker
- Dreadspell
- Hexblade
- Bloodthorn
- Darkfire
Zandalari Troll Names
- Zanjari
- Hakkar
- Rastari
- Jin’do
- Zul’jin
- Zul’rajas
- Talanji
- Krag’wa
- Torcali
- Zul’kunda
- Zul’wala
- Zandalor
- Zul’din
- Zul’dazar
- Zul’rala
- Zandali
- Zul’batu
- Zul’amba
- Tal’gurub
- Zul’kiri
- Zandalar
- Zul’dama
- Zul’maske
- Tal’dazar
- Zul’magi
- Zul’adon
- Zandashari
- Zul’suraka
- Tal’des
- Zul’masta

How To Choose A Good Troll Name
With the rise of online communities and social platforms, the act of trolling has become increasingly prevalent. Trolling refers to the deliberate provocation or disruption of online discussions, often through the use of controversial or inflammatory comments. While trolling is generally discouraged due to its negative impact on online discourse, some individuals still partake in this behavior. For those who engage in trolling, choosing a good troll name is an essential consideration. This article explores the significance of a troll name and provides valuable insights on how to select one effectively.
Understanding the purpose of a troll name
A troll name serves two primary purposes: anonymity and the establishment of a unique online persona. By adopting a troll name, individuals can shield their real identities, providing a degree of separation between their offline and online lives. This anonymity can be advantageous in fostering freedom of expression, although it should not be used as a tool for malicious intent. Additionally, a troll name allows individuals to craft a distinct online persona, enabling them to be recognized and remembered within the online community.
Factors to consider when choosing a troll name
When selecting a troll name, several factors should be taken into account. Firstly, it is crucial to consider the relevance of the chosen name to the platform or community in which one intends to troll. Conducting thorough research on the community culture, norms, and interests can help in creating a troll name that resonates with the community members. Incorporating relevant themes or references specific to the community can establish a connection and make the name more memorable.
Secondly, a troll’s name should possess memorable and catchy characteristics. Utilizing wordplay or puns can add an element of humor to the name and make it stand out. Crafting a name that is distinct and recognizable helps in establishing a unique identity that others will remember and potentially engage with.
Balancing creativity and Appropriateness
While creativity is essential in choosing a troll name, it is crucial to strike a balance with appropriateness. Avoiding offensive or derogatory names is crucial to maintaining respectful engagement in online communities. Understanding the boundaries of humor and respect is essential to avoid causing harm or distress to others. By considering the potential impact of the chosen name on others, individuals can ensure that their trolling remains within acceptable limits.
Consistency across platforms
To establish a consistent online presence, it is advisable to use the same troll name across different platforms. This consistency allows for the development of a reputation or following based on the name. However, before settling on a troll name, it is important to check for existing usernames or trademarks to avoid confusion or legal issues. If the chosen name is already in use, slight modifications can be made to create a unique variation.
Testing and refining the chosen troll name
Once a troll name is chosen, it is crucial to test its effectiveness and refine it if necessary. Feedback from online interactions can provide valuable insights into how the name is perceived. By observing reactions and responses, individuals can gauge whether the chosen name is achieving its intended impact. Making adjustments based on feedback received ensures that the troll name aligns with the desired goals and objectives.
The longevity of a troll name
Lastly, when choosing a troll name, it is important to consider its long-term relevance. Internet trends and culture evolve rapidly, and what may be popular or humorous today may lose its appeal over time. It is crucial to adapt the troll name to changing trends to maintain its effectiveness and ensure its longevity.
We have embarked on a whimsical journey through the fascinating world of troll names. From the mischievous Bogglewhump to the fearsome Grimtusk, this ultimate list has provided a treasure trove of monikers for those who wish to explore their mischievous side or seek inspiration for fictional characters. These names, with their unique blend of creativity and fantasy, bring a touch of enchantment to any story or game.
By delving into the origins of troll names, we have discovered their deep roots in folklore and mythology. Trolls have captivated our imagination for centuries, appearing in various cultures with their distinctive traits and characteristics. This list serves as a testament to the enduring appeal of trolls and their ability to ignite our sense of wonder.
Whether you’re a writer, gamer, or simply someone seeking a whimsical alter ego, the ultimate list of troll names offers a wide array of choices to suit every taste. So go forth, embrace your inner trickster, and let these names transport you to a realm where imagination knows no bounds. May these troll names inspire countless tales of adventure, mischief, and magic!