Last Updated on 14 February 2025 by Mubashir Rafique
In this blog, we have shared some cool and amazing Viking names for you, that you can use for free and you can use these cool Viking names anywhere you want.
Let’s dive into it.
Viking Names
Here are some cool and catchy Viking names for you.
- Asgrim Hjarrandisson
- Svanleif
- Kori Thorirsson
- Dadora
- Gunnbjorg
- Hallgrim Sigvidottir
- Ulfeid Hrokdottir
- Drarthna
- Thyri Veturlididottir
- Halldor Iarlabankisson
- Ingeltore Sigelacdottir
- Rada
- Gathola
- Kætil Thoraldrsson
- Drifa Rognvaldottir
- Rugrora
- Thjostolf Ragnarsson
- Ljot Sigeferthsson
- Ingimar Eyjolfsson
- Aslaug Granidottir
- Thorona
- Arnbjorn Geitirgestsson
- Gardi Spiutsson
- Fridgertha
- Ermingard Gunnulfdottir
- Hrosskell Hjarrandisson
- Sigeric Halladsson
- Mar Arnvidsson
- Athalgunna
- Frida Hjordottir
- Ragrola
- Thorgærd Gunnaldottir
- Isgerd Hængdottir
- Hild Svartlingrdottir
- Sindri Daggerblood
- Kveldulf Anundsson
- Øybiorn Bardisson
- Sibbe Firesoul
- Thororm Brodirsson
- Geirny Visätedottir
- Jarngerd Bergthordottir
- Divlia
- Nikolas Nefsteinsson
- Hallveig Heriolfdottir
- Dagolfur
- Vilkatla
- Fridleif
- Ulf Svinulfsson
- Herlaug Thidriksson
- Hallberta Skulidottir
- Farvardur
- Arnora Sæbbidottir
Female Viking Names
Following are some of the best female Viking names, that you’ll like:
- Greiland Alfgeirdottir
- Frida Torstendottir
- Geirlaug Ragidottir
- Ingun Dragonslayer
- Ingeltore Geirsteindottir
- Ingun Gylfidottir
- Ginnlaug Makdottir
- Vikar Thrainsson
- Atli Dansson
- Kjallak Hakonsson
- Svanlaug Abidottir
- Ogn Guthheredottir
- Gunnlæif Hosvirsson
- Eldkarl
- Bjartmar Audgislisson
- Ulfketil Arnbjornsson
- Thovana
- Gyda Jarlebankedottir
- Arnarinn
- Gyrid Skoptidottir
- Guthvarr
- Skapti Finnleiksson
- Reinn Ulfsson
- Ingemar Ragisson
- Hallbjorn Eyjolfsson
- Æstrid Sævildottir
- Halldor Sigewulfsson
- Kolbein Karsisson
- Dindol
- Thidrandi Iarlsson
- Kotkell Arisson
- Ankarl
- Ljot Gudleifdottir
- Yngvildr Klingenberg
- Ufi Heggsson
- Ermingard Thjostolfdottir
- Harald Of Hohlt
- Guthroth Iulisson
- Gamli Lytingsson
- Bersi Gudlaugsson
- Gavol
- Ragngauta
Cool Viking Names
Enlisted are some of the cool and amazing Viking names for you:
- Einbeinn
- Thorljot Thorstardottir
- Hungerd Ingibjorgdottir
- Thorfrethr Moldofsson
- Amila
- Spiut Vathlaussson
- Thkatla Vandradottir
- Aindira
- Skuf Ulfgrimsson
- Hælæif Halladsson
- Thorve Hreitharrdottir
- Svalfi Ballisson
- Dalgiol
- Vandrad Saxidottir
- Gorm Vigisson
- Jaddvor Gunbjorndottir
- Solveig Gislidottir
- Jaddvor Asbjorndottir
- Oddløg Arisson
- Gudfinna Gamaldottir
- Glolgina
- Fridlatha
- Halldora Thorirdottir
- Thogrora
- Una Veleifdottir
- Thodona
- Torthor
- Aslak Granisson
- Glolgan
- Karl Orestsson
- Thorfrethr Gormsson
- Fastvir
- Solvor Harekdottir
- Vigot Sumarlidisson
- Dragrir
- Kotkell Skardsson
- Svafar Spiallbudisson
- Ginnlaug Finnleikdottir
- Sæmund Knútrsson
- Thorve Gizordottir
- Authulf Ketillsson
- Thorhalla Thorleikdottir
- Grimar Skutisson
- Athalgautur
Viking Girl Names
Below are some amazing Viking girl names for you:
- Thora Jarlabankidottir
- Fridaelfa
- Sigrunn Hallfridottir
- Thorbjorn Gunnkelsson
- Æsa Arnulfrdottir
- Siv Gunnbjorndottir
- Steinbardur
- Fastotta
- Gils Olæsson
- Sigvor Thjodofldottir
- Thorstar Oddsson
- Hrafnhild Svenidottir
- Storolf Storolfsson
- Hrosskel Skeggisson
- Bothild Gautdottir
- Oddny Gæirmundottir
- Asleif Olvirdottir
- Inga Twinsword
- Bergthor Iarlabankisson
- Kolfasta
- Halla Hognidottir
- Bolgion
- Thorvor Ragnardottir
- Rugrir
- Osvald Jobjornsson
- Hanef Hrafnvartrsson
- Valborg Jokuldottir
- Æstrid Nærfidottir
- Hrodny Gudværdottir
- Nasi Edgarsson
- Skallagrim Ozursson
- Erp Linisson
- Agarr
- Thormar Orestsson
- Otkel Valisson
- Fridgerd Ulvkildottir
- Thidrik Bjorgulfsson
- Steinrikur
- Fastvi Sigfastdottir
- Eydis Sigurdsson
- Halldis Naddodottir
Female Norse Names
Here are some of the best female norse names for you:
- Thogiel
- Thorgrima Glumdottir
- Torhild Thorolfdottir
- Nidbiorg Sigtryggdottir
- Ogn Grithdottir
- Hallbera Halldordottir
- Freydis Glumdottir
- Anmundur
- Veturlidi Fargrimsson
- Dathur
- Haflidi Arnthorsson
- Ragana
- Dragrila
- Balin
- Thorbjorg Koldottir
- Ernmund Folkmarsson
- Thorgrima Finndottir
- Memora
- Tjorvi Halldorsson
- Signy Halfdandottir
- Sigrid Hjordottir
- Bothild Valthjofdottir
- Mandor
- Beinir Bergsson
- Arngeir Fastulfsson
- Njordgautur
- Gunnhild Sigvaldidottir
- Bogrir
- Sigfrid Demondeath
- Dalla Vebjorndottir
- An Boesson
- Gilgir
- Droplaug Liutdottir
- Snorri Skallagrimsson
- Unn Guthormsson
- Durtion
- Siv Kætilfastdottir
- Hallfrid Jorundsson
- Saehildur
Norse Male Names
Enlisted are some norse male names, that you’ll like:
- Bergbrandur
- Farrun
- Ingjald Ansson
- Ulfthor
- Bjarni Konalsson
- Leif Jarnskeggisson
- Dirgin
- Ingrid Skialgdottir
- Rulgna
- Thord Audgisilsson
- Ulfeid Adilsdottir
- Farmann Kolbeinsson
- Ragnbjorg
- Dilvana
- Una Starkadottir
- Thorgerd Audgislidottir
- Katla Dandottir
- Herdis Austmathrdottir
- Illugi Isgautsson
- Kar Hrollaugsson
- Steinbert
- Hranfast Valbrandsson
- Holmlaugur
- Leif Truelson
- Klakkr Sigemærsson
- Iuli Skialgsson
- Arngunn Gufidottir
- Arnthrud Hreitharrdottir
- Svanolfur
- Berg Sigmundsson
- Hallbjorn Kveldulfsson
- Aslaug Sinfiotlidottir
- Bolverk Sigehelmsson
- Asdis Ondottdottir
- Hildikatla
- Thorgrima Eidottir
- Geirbeinn
- Freybjorg
- Asleif Gunnleifdottir
- Hedin Guthormsson

How To Create Viking Names By Yourself
Here are some tips and tricks that will help you to name the character without any help from others:
Brainstorm And Make A List Of Viking Names
Think about the things that are very special for you and things that have a great impact on the people and things that the character likes the most. And the name of the character mostly characters depends on the title and story.
Think about the movie character names and something related to the character specialty, or other very special things that are very valuable, and make a list of all these then make a list of all the names that come to your mind. Choose the name that you like the most and suits the character with effect to its appearance.
The name that you have given to the character, must be very special just like the thing which upon you naming the character or the specialty of the character.
Avoid Hard-To-Spell And Hard To Remember Names
Before naming the character, you have to know that, the name you have given to the character is very simple and easy to spell or anyone can remember the character’s name easily without any difficulty.
When the name of the character is simple and unique, all the people can easily remember the character or love the character as well.
Conduct A Thorough Internet Search
If you want to name the character unique and impressive and want something cool but don’t have any idea to name the character. So, you have an internet connection at your home or on your mobile phone. You can search most popular names for characters and choose one of the best for the character.
Nowadays, the internet is a very easy and simple thing, that is available everywhere. There are hundreds of sites on the internet from which you can choose the best names for the character.
Make Sure The Name Sounds Good When Said Aloud
When you name the character, first make sure that the name has given to the character makes a good sound when you or someone calls the character’s name in public.
The name must have a good impression on the listener and as well as caller. The name should be very attractive and have a great impact on the people.
Keep It Short & Simple
Before naming the character you have to know that, the name of the character must be very simple and short. Short and simple names can easily be pronounced without any difficulty.
If the name is hard to remember then the people will call the character without saying the character’s name and make another name for the character. That will be very irrespective for the character.
I hope that you like all the names that we have shared with you, and hope that you have found that, what you are looking for.