Last Updated on January 18, 2022 by
Whether you are starting an online store or you are looking for werewolf usernames for any of your social media usages, you will help you. We have enlisted the best possible username ideas and suggestions that you can pick for yourself.
When it comes to creating a username, you should always keep in mind what kind of impression you want to leave on others. A username is a very important element of any social media profile. This is because it is used by everyone who interacts with you online. Therefore, it needs to be carefully crafted.
You should also consider the length of your werewolf username. The longer the username, the better. It shows that you are serious about your account. Also, try not to include too much information in your username. Instead, stick to a few keywords that represent your personality.
In addition, you should avoid using certain terms such as “lol”, “lmao”, etc. These are considered offensive and could get you banned from various websites. Let’s find some creative usernames.
Werewolf Usernames
- Blue
- Hielo – Meaning ice in Spanish
- Marsler
- Rogue
- Otsana—She Wolf (Basque)
- Nicona
- Serafina
- Brandine
- Freki (Nordic)
- Takoda
- Belanta
- Ramola
- Adolph
- Gonzalo—Wolf (Spanish)
- Vivaxa
- Kragen
- Tiny
- Randale—Wolf Shield (English)
- Arnulf—Wolf and Eagle Power (Old English/Germanic)
- Vladiane
- Gandalf
- Farkas – Hungarian
- Lyulph—Flaming Wolf (Anglo-Saxon)
- Leto
- Ninola
- Marrok—Knight Wolf (Arthurian legend)
- Masha
- Akela
- Violet
- Ordovic
- Briana
- Anubis
- Connery—Wolf Farmer (Celtic)
- Colton
- Ranndy—House Wolf (English)
- Hermel
- Fluffy
- Faolan
- Zuma
- Amazon
- Ivailo
- Aaryn
- Yukon
- Elektra
- Chann
- Farkas
- Cronus – Hera’s father
- Gonzalo – Spanish origin
- Shefola
- Maikoh
- Tala
- Wolfrik – Wolf ruler (German)
- Daciana—Wolf (Romanian)
- Breeze (Bree for short)
- Artemis
- Z’ev—Wolf (Hebrew)
- Nellica
- Lowe – ‘little wolf’ (French)
- Spirit
- General
- Chronos
- Cana—Wolf Cub (Celtic)
- Lycaonia—She Wolf (Biblical)
- Acantha
- Storm
- Maengun—Wolf (Ojibwe)
- Dib—Wolf (Arabic)
- Lupe—Wolf (Spanish)
- Mikumi
- Torvar – Skyrim
- Channing—Young Wolf associated with the Church (Old French)
- Alonda
- Rawlins—Wise Wolf Man’s Son (English)
- Micco
- Gorg—Wolf (Farsi)
- Barther
- Truzie
- Birood
- Mistynne
- Dreamina
- Gray
- Randie—Shield Wolf (English)
- Sirius – Harry Potter
- Onai—Wolf (Tamil)
- Kar
- Louve
- Adyle
- Ice
- Owain
- Dreus
- Wulfgar – Wolf-like spear (English)
- Aphrodite
- Rama – The Jungle Book
- Maikoh (Navajo)
- Chase
- Toralu—Wolf (Telegu)
- Ulmer – Fame of the wolf (English)
- Anubis – Like the dog-like Egyptian God
- Adolfina—Noble She Wolf (German)
- Ulrika—Wolf Ruler (English)
- Cobra
- Saxon
- Sablina
- Alfride
- Waya—Wolf (Cherokee)
- Moon
- Stella
- Tikaani—Wolf (Ahtna Athabascan)
- Maiyun (Cheyenne)
- Lady
- Fang
- Kadzait—Wandering wolf (Native Alaskan)
- Mingan
- Shunkaha (Lakota)
- Howl / Howler
- Lylie
- Fridolf—Peaceful Wolf (Old English)
- Odwolfe—Wealthy Wolf (English)
- Ski
- Laventine
- Yara – Another Game of Thrones character
- Lucianne
- Juliantra
- Tamaska – Mighty wolf (Native American)
- Bulia
- Faolan—Little Wolf (Irish)
- Apollo
- Balto – Balto
- Hati
- Romulus
- Phoenix
- Lynexene
- Ghost – Game of Thrones
- Bhangi—Wolf (Tibetan)
- Keanu
- Wolf – English! Also, try; Wolfie
- Amwolf—Eagle Wolf (German)
- Jenna
- Olaf – Disney’s favorite snowman
- Kylo
- Mystic
- Jelene
- Herald
- Sierra
- Arrax – A cool dragon inspired name for your feisty and powerful pooch
- Kitsune
- Raul—Wolf Counsel (Spanish)
- Acwulf (German)
- Accalia (Latin)
Cool Werewolf Usernames
- Arctos
- Adolphus
- Bruno
- Idonea
- Boris – Wolf, short (Russian)
- Mandela
- Lobo (Spanish)
- Earl Grey
- Botolphe—Herald Wolf (English)
- Niasha
- Rahl
- Nashoba—Wolf (Choctaw)
- Woolsey – Victorious wolf (English)
- Osald
- Emalda
- Cherokee
- Platinum
- Cathwulf—Pure Wolf (Old English)
- North
- Rafe – Council of the wolf (German)
- Liekos—Wolf (Greek)
- Eyolf – Lucky wolf (Norwegian)
- Blackbeard
- Shiro
- Wyngel
- Gunnolf—Fighting Wolf (Norse)
- Merlisha
- Jamil
- Tormond
- Heskina
- Marzen
- Harou – A wolf of the army
- Jaylene
- Tinkerbell
- Conella
- Arwen
- Bleidd—Wolf (Welsh)
- Snoop
- Cayden
- Gauntlet
- Trither
- Nor – After Norway, a very cold country in the Winter
- Ralph – Wolf counsel, fearless advisor (English)
- Lovetta—Like a young Wolf (English)
- Aethelwulf—Noble Wolf (English)
- Loveta—Young Wolf (Old English)
- Borris – A short wolf (perhaps the perfect name for your miniature German Shepherd)
- Breena
- Saga
- Miko
- Raksha – The Jungle Book
- Adulf
- Victrine
- Kadee
- Raedwulf—Red Wolf (Germanic)
- Zyre
- Whispern
- Geri—Odin’s Wolf (Norse Mythology)
- Morrey
- Honiahaka – ‘Little Wolf’ (Cheyenne)
- Hadesmo
- Lowell—Wolf Cub (Old French)
- Tibran
- Scout
- Koda
- Abemora
- Guadalupe—Wolf valley (Arabic)
- Bardolf—Axe Wolf (Old English)
- Drift
- Xena
- Rubella
- Trisha
- Varg (Swedish)
- Ardwolf—Home Loving Wolf (English)
- Lupin – Harry Potter
- Steele
- Ricola
- Otsanda
- Bowdin
- Trezz
- Ulvelaik—Wolf Sport (English)
- Viggo
- Raksha
- Mohegan—Wolf (American Indian)
- Maruska
- Vixen
- Apisi – Meaning coyote in Blackfoot
- Lovel (Old French)
- Raul
- Sonja – Queen of the Ice
- Sevra
- Baron
- Cuthwulf
- Luandra
- Heather
- Amarog (Inuit)
- Ridley
- Mizona
- Quartz
- Harleena
- Kenway
- Chantelaine
- Fillin (Gaelic)
- Due
- Merlene
- Adolfo—Noble Wolf (Latin)
- Beta
- Kiba
- Edon—Wolf (French)
- Largo
- Torino
- Weizen
- Louve—Female Wolf (French-English)
- Raff – Red wolf (English)
- Conchobar—Hound-Wolf (Irish)
- Evanne
- Ruby
- Randon—House Wolf (Old English)
- Geirolf—Wolf Spear (Norse)
- Jenna – Balto
- Volk – Wolf (Slovenian)
- Two Socks – Dances with Wolves
- Adolpha
- Star
- Ama
- Swift
- Harlenta
- Ulf—Wolf (Old German)
- Diamendra
- Othello
- Rezso—Famous Wolf (Teutonic)
- Bleyine—Like a Wolf Cub (Old English)
- Gabu
- Parella
- Dusk
- Beliz
- Wolflink
Werewolf Username Ideas
- Blaidd (Welsh)
- Meiko
- Randal
- Kodi
- Virginia
- Farkas—Wolf (Hungarian)
- Havoc – The name which will fit any pup really
- Ralphina—Wolf Counsel (Old English)
- Klondike
- Leah
- Luana
- Clovis
- Lupa
- Úlfur (Icelandic)
- Arald
- Ookami—Wolf (Japanese)
- Heoruwulf—Wolf Army (Old English)
- Bardalph – ax wolf, an old English wolf name
- Hugo
- Nelisha
- Lothian
- Thunder
- Marnald
- Asterbelle
- Alarick
- Wselfwulf—Slaughter Wolf (Anglo-Saxon)
- Arnou – Eagle wolf (French)
- Adolphine—Noble Wolf (Old English)
- Shaba
- Theodulf—Wolf God (Old English)
- Luna – Meaning moon
- Delina
- Velvela—Wolf (Yiddish)
- Gaius
- Maiden
- Lunar
- Vargynja—Little Wolf (Germanic)
- Bozkurtlar—Grey Wolf (Turkish)
- Raff—Red Wolf (English)
- Zalia
- Conwenna—Wolf-Hound (Cornish)
- Antonio
- Conan – Hound, wolf (Irish)
- Greyback – Harry Potter
- Mack
- Agwang—Wolf (Afrikaans)
- Bardalph—Axe Wolf (Old English)
- Breeona
- Barwolf
- Ryder – True Blood
- Mitchelda
- Ranulfo—Wolf’s Shield (Teutonic)
- Reyna
- Frosty
- Hrolfr—Famous Wolf (Norse)
- Sheriff
- Solarene
- Aspen
- Czar
- Stark
- Rhudi—Famous Wolf (English)
- Udolph—Wind Spirit (Lakota)
- Gorg (Iranian)
- Leda
- Omega
- Melisca
- Amigo
- Zoob
- Amethyst
- Izolda
- Aztec
- Dire
- Volk – Russian
- Yovel
- Amarog (Ava or Rog for short)– Inuit
- Cinder
- Gunner
- Accalia – She-wolf (Latin)
- Devil
- Sky – The perfect name for a Husky with blue eyes
- Misty
- Channing – Young wolf (Irish)
- Aatto—Noble Wolf (Finnish)
- Tenila
- Dagger
- Mylene
- Jet
- Pharoah
- Freedler
- Garter
- Lovota—Good Natured Fast Wolf (English)
- Tim / Timber
- Velvel—Wolf (Yiddish)
- Ulric—Wolf Power (English)
- Hemina
- Pheonix
- Ingolf—Ing’s Wolf (Norse)
- Sephora
- Dib
- Varg—Wolf (Old Norse)
- Elmaria
- Faoiltiama—Lady Wolf (Irish)
- Hoshi
- Consella
- Maheegan—Wolf (Native American)
- Gridley
- Biryuk—Wolf (Molokan)
- Jacob – Twilight
- Ze’ev—Masculine Wolf (Hebrew)
- Shaggy-Dog – Game of Thrones
- Polar
- Odolf – Prosperous wolf (German)
- Hrolleif—Old Wolf (Norse)
- Alaska
- Inigo
- Raoul—Red Wolf (English)
- Lizzle
- Okami – Japanese word for wolf
- Temptest
- Cailean—Young Wolf (Gaelic)
- Ulrich—Female Wolf (English)
- Artica
- Sliveen
- Quigly
- Derston
- Beowulf – Intelligent wolf (English)
- Beast
- Tilaine
- Clementine
- Grey Wind – Game of Thrones
- Anjo – Meaning angel in Portuguese
- Murdock
- Wolfgang – Son of the wolf (German)
- Orbit
- Hazar-Shual—Wolf’s House (Biblical)
- Prince
- Asher
- Minsi
- Bracken
- Suki
- Hera – The Greek Goddess of woman
- Noir
- Jeruza
- Lynexa
- Lukina
- Tyros
- Greil
Funny Werewolf Usernames
- Thyrius
- Tantrana
- Udolph
- Rand—Shield Wolf (Anglo-Saxon)
- Arrow
- Sheba
- Basia
- Comet
- Darion
- Carmelina
- Adalwolfa—Noble She Wolf (German)
- Nuntis—Sun Wolf (Latin)
- Lecan
- Galadriel
- Witch
- Skoll—Sun-chasing Wolf (Norse)
- Lyk (Greek)
- Lucita
- Bledig—Like a Wolf (Welsh)
- Aldusa
- Dogo
- Hrolleif—Old Wolf (Anglo-Saxon)
- Petrine
- Landon
- Lupu – Maltese
- Arnou—Eagle Wolf (French)
- Maccon—Son of Wolf (Celtic)
- Wolf O’Donnell – Star Fox
- Cordea
- Aleu – Balto
- Goliath
- Maricca
- Lupo – Italian
- Ruid—Like a Wolf (Anglo-Saxon)
- Milah
- Singarti—Wolf Spirit (Inukitut)
- Stone
- Lovette—Wolf Cub (English)
- Wulfsige—Victorious Wolf (Old English)
- Bighana
- Mazelta
- Beldina
- Dolph—Wolf (Teutonic)
- Stark – A game of thrones character
- Arcanine – Pokemon
- Davey
- Fantasia
- Armin
- Bleddyn—Wolf (Welsh)
- Accalia – Meaning she-wolf in Latin
- Zaku
- Lorena
- Aldine
- Deryn
- Sebastian
- Gwenlyn
- Fliona
- Llop—Wolf (Catalonian)
- Botolf—Messenger Wolf (Old English)
- White Fang – Whitefang (book/movie)
- Sumeria
- Major
- Beorhtwulf (German)
- Grogan
- Lowe – Meaning little wolf in French
- Meldina
- Fayer
- Grecia
- Norriz
- Liudolf—Famous Wolf (Germanic)
- Giro
- Belle
- Timber
- Kiki
- Bartholomew
- Earlene
- Pontiac
- Kruti
- Howley
- Wolf
- Borris
- Myndill
- Leah – Twilight
- Ninja
- Nova
- Aethalwulf
- Kirala
- Estrilda
- Archer
- Convel—Wolf Warrior (Celtic)
- Zelda
- Vigolfr—Battle Wolf (Icelandic)
- Melruge
- Owaisy—Wolf Warrior (Anglo- Saxon)
- Shaman
- Loki
- Erisa
- Lornetta
- Kweeuu—Wolf (Hopi)
- Rica (Spanish)
- Ulva – She-wolf
- Kasper
- Ze’ev – Hebrew
- Khan
- Lil Red
- Dalton
- Fenris—Folkloric/Mythological Monster Wolf (Norse)
- Evonda
- Danill
- Hebrewulf—Wolf (English)
- Sibi
- Buffy
- Pilaksha
- Achak – Means spirit in Native American
- Theorin
- Sequoia
- Lady – Game of Thrones
- Ares – The Greek God of war
- Mahigan—Wolf (Cree/Algonquin)
- Frey
- Kellam
- Onai (Tamil)
- Titus
- Brulina
- Gerwulf—Spear Wolf (German)
- Loveta (French)
- Luzu
- Zara
- Mathias
- Otsana (Basque)
- Cylid
- Icing
- River
- Adolph—Noble Wolf (German)
- Lupo (Italian)
- Eskimo
- Brandos
- Taika
- Nyla
- Lukester
- Raven
- Baize
- Cana – Meaning wolf cub in Celtic
- Ace
- Juneau
- Link
Male Werewolf Usernames
- Petra
- Snowflake
- Rudi—Famed Wolf (German)
- Raoul – Wolf council; red wolf (English)
- Zylo
- Ephrin
- Chanteloup—Wolf Song (French)
- Loup – French
- Kona
- Buck
- Tchono—Wolf (Mongolian)
- Hail
- Louvel—Little Wolf (French)
- Ruff
- Anya
- Ulmer – ‘frame of the wolf’ (Norse)
- Gorg – Wolf (Iranian)
- Dalisha
- Tyr – The Norse God of War
- Zeeb—Wolf (Biblical)
- Jirone
- Resna
- Nashoba wolf – Native American
- Shadow
- Degene
- Steppenwolf
- Olcan—Wolf (Celtic)
- Swan
- Ty-Ohni—Wolf (Native American)
- Loup (French)
- Kai
- Delmor
- Tasha (Caddo)
- Conri—King of Wolves (Celtic)
- Templina
- Ulva—Wolf (German)
- Felista
- Helaine
- Conall—Strength of a Wolf (Irish)
- Night
- Kinolda
- Sinapu (Sina for short) – Ute
- Snow White
- Clell
- Wolfram—Wolf Raven (Teutonic)
- Greema
- Lycurgus—Wolf Fish (Latin)
- Otsoa—Wolf (Basque)
- Parka
- Eariuffi—Warrior Wolf (Greenlandic)
- Minx
- Katniss
- Fuzzy
- Claw
- Crystal
- Remus
- Shumani—Thunder Wolf (Native American)
- Outlaw
- Susi – Finnish
- Zunaca
- Riff Raff – Underdog
- Gonzalo – Wolf (Spanish)
- Shaggydog – Game of Thrones
- Kaya – Meaning pure in Greek
- Maureen
- Lyall—Wolf (Old Norse)
- Scar
- Nodi – Dogrip
- Aldina
- Susi (Finnish)
- Lobo
- Milestra
- Ulv – Danish
- Flake
- Kodi – Balto
- Lupo—Wolf (Italian)
- Hildwulf—Wolf in Battle (Old English)
- Vilkas (Lithuanian)
- Onyx
- Okhmhaka—Little Wolf (Cheyenne)
- Camder
- Sandulf—True Wolf (Old German)
- Dornita
- Walter – Animaniacs
- Napolean
- Amora
- Breezer
- Orkney
- Owein
- Nero
- Whisper
- Izzy
- Lykaios—Wolfish, wolf-like of a Fish (Greek)
- Ink
- Kuckunniwi—Little Wolf (Cheyenne)
- Louve – A female wolf
- Thor
- Skye
- Milligan
- Frivina
- Ulfred – Wolf of peace (Old English)
- Neige – Meaning snow in French
- Terra
- Bartha
- Lyell—Island Wolf (English)
- Lupe – Spanish
- Blevine (Welsh)
- Scar Snout – The Rugrats Movie
- Vuk—Wolf (Croatian)
- Linota
- Seraya
- Olga
- Dib (Arabic)
- Randi—House Wolf/Protector (English)
- London
- Kodiak
- Knight
- Wilder
- Volk (Russian)
- Quillin
- Jillera
- Drelec
- Nighteyes – The Farseer Trilogy
- Karner
- Ulf—Courageous Wolf Heart (Swedish)
- Owein—Young Noble Wolf (Old English)
- Bodolf—Wolf Leader (Norse)
- Commander
- Rolf—Red Wolf (Teutonic)
- Duko
- Morwina
- Gremella
- Topaz
- Lyfing—Dear Wolf (English)
- Joraine
- Warg – Grey wolf, evil wolf (Norse)
- Etienne
- Finasha
- Rhea – Hera’s mother
- Nanook – Meaning polar bear in Eskimo
- Roukan—Wolf Counsel (Japanese)
- Thorin
- Lincoln
Female Werewolf Usernames
- Armadyl
- Radolf
- Caesar
- Luka – Meaning light in Russian
- Alabaster
- Herma
- Blanca
- Ulrich – Female wolf (English)
- Obama
- Valrina
- Boydster
- Fern
- Adalwolf—Noble Wolf (German)
- Conan—Wolf/Hound (Irish)
- Rudolph – Famous wolf (Old German)
- Quicksilver
- Ebony
- Bardawulf – Ax wolf (English)
- Cheyenne
- Titan
- Beowulf – Intelligent wolf an old English wolf name
- Channon – Young wolf (English)
- Pope
- Dolph (Swedish)
- Eragon
- Colt
- Phelan (Irish)
- Tala—Stalking Wolf (Sioux)
- Snow
- Eagle
- Amoret
- Honi—Wolf (Arapaho)
- Gregor
- Tasha – Caddo
- Conan – Like the infamous barbarian.
- Cybella
- Marlowe
- Valor
- Onai wolf
- Maugrim – The Chronicles of Narnia
- Margus
- Resno
- Howl
- Vuk – Croatian
- Acwulf—Oak Medow Wolf (English)
- Amaruq – Grey wolf (Inuit)
- Kritisha
- Clarke
- Axel
- Blaez—Wolf (Old Breton)
- Joshua
- Zenisha
- Honehe—Wolf (Cheyenne)
- Rommik
- Ingolf (Old Norse)
- Rafe
- Artila
- Blair
- Hemene (Nez Perce)
- Raff
- Brianda
- Copper
- Delinda
- Bruma
- Willona
- Lillian
- Canagan—Wolf Cub (Celtic)
- Elda – Meaning warrior in Italian
- Nicken
- Ulbrecht
- Gengy – After Genghis Khan
- Jarom
- Radolf—Red Wolf (English)
- Dib – Arabic
- Chandi
- Annik
- Dixon
- Connery – Wolf farmer (Celtic)
- Wulf (German)
- Diandra
- Winter
- King
- Ivalio
- Barwolf—Axe Wolf (Old English)
- Velvela (Yiddish)
- Ayame—Demon Princess Wolf (Japanese)
- Amber
- Weldon
- Marcus
- Honi
- Wolfram—Raven and wolf hybrid (Germanic)
- Blizzard
- Shunkaha—Wolf (Lakota)
- Alditha
- Bardalph
- Predator
- Wolvin – Afrikaans
- Destiny
- Kimbra
- Alpha
- “Ookami” 狼 (Japanese)
- Sarge
- Dinella
- Adoff
- Radolf – A red wolf
- Tatenda
- Deegrin
- Agwang
- Adolph / Adoff – Noble wolf (German)
- Tantra
- Lotus
- Amaguk—Wolf (Inupiat)
- Lelou (Chinook)
- Nikita
- Octavia
- Saga – One for the twilight fans…
- Rollo – A great Viking during the ninth and tenth centuries
- Sabrione
- Bianco – White in Italian
- Roman
- Nikkoter
- Jasper
- Lashley
- Wyett
- Ethelwulf—Noble Wolf (Old English)
- Royd
- Lycidas—Wolf Son (Anglo-Saxon)
- Cuan—Little Wolf/Hound (Irish)
- Arnulfa
- Lyndel
- Mervius
- “Láng” 狼 (Chinese)
- Timmeu—Wolf (Old Lenape)
- Leidolf—Wolf Descendant (Norse)
- Vilkas—Wolf (Lithuanian)
- Maia
- Barnald
- Siku
- Kashgar
- Maka
- Brassa
- Basiana
- Ujku – Albanian

Things to Remember While Creating a Username
Usernames play a huge role in how we interact online. We use them to identify ourselves, connect with other users, and build relationships with each other. It’s no wonder then that usernames are so important to our digital lives.
Brainstorm Your Username Ideas
Start by brainstorming what words could fit into a username. In my werewolf username ideas, I use combinations that are appealing to the eyes, interesting to others, convey my personality, and are easy to spell and pronounce. For example, here are some of the best werewolf usernames for you’re that I have brainstormed:
- Tidwulf—Time Wolf (Old German)
- Borus
- Akela – The Jungle Book
- Hemene—Wolf (Nez Perce)
- Junior
- Napoleon
- Aurora
- Ironman
- Rynder
- Cylesta
- Vukasin (Serbin)
- Audolf—Wolfs Friend (Norse)
- Grenita
- Diego
- Truder
- Balto – A famous Universal Studios Character
- Otsanda—She Wolf (Basque)
- Bones
- Dakota
- Hrolf (German)
- Canyon
- Quillard
- Kali
- Kurt—Wolf (Turkish)
- Mautreen
- Lovette
- Nyko
- Stalker
- Leonidas
- Ralph Wolf – Loony Tunes
- Trishana
- Ulva
- Arion
- Twilight
- Gmork – The Neverending Story
- Adela
- Alfer
- Gluda
- Remus Lupin – Harry Potter
- Ruelle—Famous Wolf (French)
- Midnight
- Ujku—Wolf (Albanian)
- Ookami – Wolf (Japanese)
- Warlock
- Finn
- Iwena
- Ula
- Ulrica—Powerful Wolf (Swedish)
- Bernulf
- Noira
- Grivana
- Gorg Wolf
- Kiyiya—Howling Wolf (Yakima)
- Ralph
- Dower
- Ulfred—Peace Wolf (Old English)
- Summit
- Tibald
- Adoqhina—Feminine Noble Wolf (Teutonic)
- Jenella
- Phelan—Like a Wolf (Irish)
- Ariston
- Primalstomp
- Leo
- Onai – Wolf (Tamil)
- Lupe (Spanish)
- Willow
- Nymeria – Game of Thrones
- Lycoona
- Azandra
- Grey Wind
- Silveen
- Adolfo – Noble wolf (Latin)
- Bele – Hare
- Tala – Sioux
- Khione – The Greek Goddess of Winter
- Mistina
- Aegenwulf—Sea Wolf (Old English)
- Jower
- Rudina—Legendary Wolf (Germanic)
- Reule—Famous Wolf (French)
- Hunter – For obvious reasons but still a cute pick
- Janeway
- Tunstall—Wolf of Thor (Teutonic)
- Ulger—Wolf Spear (Old English)
- Segolia—Wolf (Chipewyan)
- Judia
- Tate—Stalking Wolf (Native American)
- Chinua—Wolf (Mongolian)
- Rhett
- Vilks—Wolf (Latvian)
- Barrow – A cold place in Alaska
- Tamaska—Mighty Wolf (Hungarian)
- Gunnolf – Fighting wolf (Norwegian)
- Holo
- Thief
- Silver
- Rhudi
- Narcia
- Gandolf
- Lucatra
- Nomad
- Meider
- Venus
- Greezer
- Gwench
- Landga—Wolf (Marathi)
- Olcan (Celtic)
- Rocky
- Ivory
- Rollo—Famous Wolf (Teutonic)
- Shewolf
- Dawn
- Lokwa (Nootka)
- Magnum
- Jade
- Rae
- Lixue – Meaning pretty snow in Chinese
- Connor—Wolf Lover (Irish)
- Randella—Shield Wolf (English)
- Daciana (Roman)
- Amaruq
- Thelda
- Petrina
- Vilkas – Lithuanian
- Lupa – The wolf who raised Romulus and Remus
- Imalda
- Deemothy
- Baronne
- Rule—Famous Wolf (French)
- Alexa
- Adolfa
- Arcadia
- Lordella
- Raffi—Red Wolf (English)
- Susi—Wolf (Finnish)
- Sprenzi
- Lakota
- Adalwolf – Noble wolf
- Topaz – A very bright and clear gem
Shortlist Your Ideas & Suggestions
Once you’re done brainstorming, go through your ideas and select a handful of them. You can keep those that are catchy, memorable, and reflect your personality. Remove the rest of them and get to the next step.
Keep Them Short and Simple
We have seen in a lot of places that short and simple usernames are liked by people a lot. In fact, people are ready to pay to get short usernames.
Someone lucky would be able to get a short username these days because all the short ones are already taken by people. Here are some examples of short and simple werewolf usernames:
- Spartan
- Sansa – Game of Thrones
- Niandra
- Hrolf—Wolf (Norse)
- Blitzer
- Lupus – Wolf (Latin)
- Jaha
- Fox
- Walushka
- Mona
- Sadine
- Lucky
- Teekon—Wolf (Athabascan)
- Dzera
- Nashoba – Wolf (Choctaw)
- Rolf – Red wolf (Teutonic)
- Navajo
- Broddi
- Rama
- Daenerys
- Hunt (Estonian)
- Duke
- Ralfina
- Bertolf
- Ulv (Danish)
- Udolf—Wolf Wealth (Old English)
- Hegna
- Accalia
- Felita
- Pebble
- Cochise
- Ragnulf—Advisor Wolf (Germanic)
- Hera
- Pewter
- Bandit
- Rider
- Moro – Princess Mononoke
- Adlina
- Okami (Japanese)
- Wolfrik—Wolf Ruler (German)
- Groose
- Lance
- Summer – Game of Thrones
- Erlene
- Athena – The Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War
- Tempest
- Quigly – Wolf who plays Ghost in Game of Thrones
- Maluska
- Vukasin—Wolf (Serbian)
- Skoll – Wolf that chased the sun (Norse)
- Leloo—Wolf (Chinook)
- Darcy
- Ulmar—Famous Wolf (Old English)
- Faelen—Little Wolf (Gaelic)
- Zeus – The king of the Greek Gods
- Moses
- Tala (Sioux)
- Charcoal
- Gmork – The Never-Ending Story
- Indigo
- Lupu—Wolf (Maltese)
- Minerva
- Lycidas
- Lelou / Leloo – Wolf (Chinook)
- Wulf – German
- Fredulf
- Pricola
- Inesha
- Eva
- Alpine
- Athena
- Josiah
- Glace (or Glacey) – Meaning Ice in French
- Butch
- Rockruff – Pokemon
- Grey
- Nymph
- Irutha
- Filtiarn—Lord of Wolves (Celtic)
- Aleu
- Versum
- Pyro
- Orú – Gypsy
- Lupus (Latin)
- Nelson
- Rand / Randall – Shield wolf (Anglo-Saxon)
- Caleb—Whole Hearted (Hebrew)
- Juno – The Roman equivalent of Hera
- Montana
- Roan
- Suma
- Botewolf—Herald Wolf (English)
- Radulphus—Shield Wolf (English)
- Narsia
- Brondy
- Barlog
- Smoke
- Fernard
- Laudon
- Lycidas – meaning wolf son
- Ronther
- Grivania
- Amoux – Eagle wolf (French)
- Onai – Tamil
- Zog
- Stardust
- Yowlumne—People associated with the wolf (Yokut)
- Flare
- Summer
- Adoff—Noble Wolf (German)
- Felan—Small Wolf (Celtic)
- Gunpowder
- Axina
- Lylaine
- Ivy
- White Fang
- Narmasha
- Xerxes
- Lulu
- Maya
- Aurela
- Rafe – Meaning council of the wolf in German
- Adalwolf – Noble wolf (German)
- Sandalio—True Wolf Spirit (Spanish)
- Aloosa
- Seff—Wolf (Hebrew)
- Tundra
- Teowulf—Mighty Wolf (Anglo-Saxon)
- Elsa
- Seiko
- Celestine
- Balkin
- Palla
- Luther
- Rexitt
- Tatiana
- Ludwig
- Ylva—She wolf (Scandinavian)
- Meika
- Elsa – The Disney Snow Queen
Get Some Feedback & Suggestions
Now that you’ve selected a few username ideas, it’s time to gather some feedback. Ask potential customers for their opinions. Also ask people in your network for their thoughts. Don’t forget to include your parents, siblings, teachers, and friends.
Check If the Username Is Available
If there’s a chance that someone else has already created a username similar to yours, you’ll need to check whether the username is available.
If it’s already taken, you can’t do anything about it. You have to just create a new one.