Last Updated on December 20, 2021 by Mubashir Rafique
Here you will find some cool and catchy underwater city names that you will surely like. These are some best and well-known names and you can use them anywhere you want. You can share them with your friends and also you can use them for your own personal use. Don’t forget to check our website for some more unique and clever names.
We have a huge variety of business names that will help you to name your own business in no time. We also have provided some slogans and taglines that you can use to encourage yourself and also your employees. So without wasting any single second of your precious time, let’s dive in and get some good name ideas.
Underwater City Names
Here are some best underwater city names that you will like:
- Tsunatin
- Saphicique
- The Waters of Caleterel
- The Domain of Calecastle
- The Expanse of Portcord
- The Sea of Herewaki
- The Expanse of Dorchill
- The Deep of Beaumark
- Amphilora
- The Tides of Southberry
- The Waves of Parford
- Ashedore
- Voltudore
- Saphlean
- The Sea of Bradden
- The Gulf of Framinggar
- Atlacis
- The Ocean of Browntois
- The Tides of Everbalt
- The Sea of Autumnburg
- Pelalore
- Squalin
- The Gulf of Plaboro
- Triteloch
- Typhrei
- Levialora
- Anuloch
- Coaralor
- Glacitin
- Limune
- The Abyss of Brosduff
- The Gulf of Susney
- Leviagia
- Caenuton
- The Ocean of Wittown
- Salilora
- The Expanse of Sherfail
- The Waters of Sedgesea
- Atlatin
- Anuthas
- Ashatheas
- Aegmon
- Wataren
- Caladore
- Geycique
- Tytesh
- Navatheas
- Puraloch
- Posenoch
- The Waters of Munbriand
- Tsunatria
- The Waters of Robbour
- The Domain of Draylisle
- The Ocean of Elmbriand
- The Domain of Arnmouth
- The Waters of Plainroy
- The Domain of Fercester
- The Abyss of Grafsard
- Catalune
- Hydne
- Abycada
- Nepturan
- Calana
- Aegnea
- Ebithys
- Nephtheas
- Glacirius
- Brira
- Purirem
- Donis
- Abysmond
- The Ocean of Arlingmeny
- Miminis
- Marirey
- Aciora
- The Tides of Croywin
- Azulin
- The Deep of Tunbonear
- Coramond
- The Waters of Ogebiens
- Saphilune
- Liquara
- The Sea of Templedon
- The Depths of Cohill
- The Expanse of Davelfield
- The Tides of Bropawa
- Sequaren
- Tethria
- The Gulf of Birmingdown
- The Domain of Hasttonas
Underwater Kingdom Names
Following is the list of some underwater kingdom names:
- Thaulis
- Achecique
- The Sea of Lavalview
- The Depths of Weyfait
- Sequarai
- The Tides of Monkberg
- The Deep of Galkasing
- Aquiren
- Sitia
- Coaril
- The Domain of Northronto
- The Expanse of Middleriden
- The Depths of Plymgueuil
- The Depths of Greenrior
- The Deep of Ogesay
- Hippolina
- The Ocean of Torringtane
- Aciothys
- Aqulean
- The Sea of Norport
- The Domain of Waretona
- Tritas
- The Deep of Stelfait
- Nerilona
- The Tides of Sauduff
- Aquicis
- The Deep of Stelstable
- Watalean
- Triteren
- The Domain of Antimore
- Nepgia
- Salalin
- The Bay of Delisrior
- Tethran
- The Waves of Ashrath
- Cataria
- The Waves of Taunvern
- The Domain of Hampgus
- The Deep of Deadval
- Brithis
- Nepturai
- The Tides of Ashgar
- Tritorin
- The Ocean of Camliers
- Glarai
- Watacadis
- The Deep of Hampgue
- Clania
- The Deep of Raycouche
- Azucia
- Tyna
- The Bay of Dorrath
- Njorius
- The Tides of Kerrobridge
- The Gulf of Caslan
- Hydreth
- Amphithys
Water Kingdom Names
Below are some best cool water kingdom names that you can use:
- The Gulf of Frangough
- Liquiril
- Liqisa
- Azuthas
- Caetis
- The Waters of Hafsor
- The Abyss of Templesevain
- The Bay of Kirkway
- Aegrey
- Sedgetos Sea
- Tylina
- Sirena
- The Abyss of Mayguay
- Littotria
- Limuvia
- The Deep of Stoughdurn
- The Domain of Gravelsard
- The Deep of Gallantara
- Thalacis
- Sidore
- Nephlor
- Donas
- Levialin
- Sirin
- Hippolis
- Trilora
- Tempenea
- The Abyss of Clinhill
- The Sea of Eltos
- Oceatas
- Osimon
- The Depths of Watershire
- The Gulf of Beaubalt
- Limuthys
- Njorton
- The Deep of Franmond
- Watathis
- The Tides of Merito
- The Abyss of Delorcarres
- Poseilore
- The Ocean of Ganburg
- The Depths of Stetline
- Liquiria
- The Expanse of Wallingnear
- The Gulf of Franney
- The Domain of Chilman
- The Deep of Allerdeen
- Poseitia
- The Waves of Bursbriand
- Thalina
- Liquirin
- The Bay of Pacbriand
- Vapotis
- Trira
- The Depths of Grandgamau
- Merlean
- Tritelean
- Littocia
- The Waves of Tunline
- The Abyss of Birwall
- The Deep of Baxly
- Njortia
- Abypis
- The Deep of Waterset
- The Waves of Whitnach
- Neptudor
- The Domain of Corrood
- The Bay of Shelsby
- Neptthas
- Belilis
- Clareth
- The Sea of Thestonas
- The Domain of Trilet
- Maricada
- Aciolora
- The Abyss of Rotherial
- Coarathas
- The Depths of Gomagne
- The Gulf of Carlraine
- The Deep of Surgar
- Expapis
- The Deep of Hillsduff
- The Bay of Cliffna
- The Tides of Graceris
- Triren
- The Abyss of Wallling
- Pelalor
- Atlarin
- Azharai
- The Expanse of Hampgeo
Mermaid Kingdom Names
Enlisted you will see some clever mermaid kingdom names that you will like:
- Thetria
- The Abyss of Shellcroft
- Nautilor
- Glacilin
- Ashania
- The Expanse of Scargamau
- The Sea of Kerroboia
- Riverem
- Nepmond
- Tempemon
- Poseilune
- Squarai
- The Waters of Trentague
- The Ocean of Croydown
- Tynia
- Coaraton
- Nautinoch
- The Domain of Athaway
- Nereirus
- The Abyss of Buckingmar
- Atlanas
- The Waters of Shausay
- Aquarey
- Brilora
- The Domain of Herehurst
- The Ocean of Melitown
- The Waves of Northville
- Bricadis
- The Bay of Langway
- The Waters of Kingsnoque
- The Domain of Meriram
- Liqunis
- Glalina
- Leviatis
- The Waters of Carlrock
- The Gulf of Gravecaster
- The Expanse of Niverdosa
- The Deep of Calebel
- The Gulf of Taunpon
- Aquiloch
- Limulora
- Merris
- The Ocean of Hafston
- The Abyss of Manisby
- Ashevia
- Delphthys
- Coratria
- The Depths of Portham
- Ebira
- Liqinea
- Theri
- The Waves of Wessano
- The Expanse of Chelshaw
- Achecada
- Pacira
- Thalor
- Naurius
- The Expanse of Godetrie
- The Domain of Votfil
- Liqulora
- Berynoch
- The Domain of Balnach
- The Waves of Barrvista
- The Waves of Briwich
- Thalarem
- Sireri
- The Abyss of Varenwe
- The Bay of Boisver
- The Depths of Saubiens
- Neriria
- The Bay of Wilrane
- The Ocean of Tiverbel
- The Expanse of Attleville
- The Gulf of Cochport
- The Waters of Gilpool

How to Create Your Own Underwater City Names
Have you ever tried coming up with a good name for a character in your favorite book series? If you’re like, me, then you’ve probably spent hours trying to come up with a good name, but you still end up with the same boring name every time.
I’m here to help you with that problem. I’ve collected some underwater city names from different sources, including novels, movies and comics, which you can use to come up with a name for your characters in your favorite book series.
Here are some tips to create simple and unique names
Keep it Short and Simple
Have you ever tried to come up with a name for a character in a roleplaying game? If so, you know how hard it can be. You begin with a pile of names and eventually you find one that you like, but getting it right the first time is a challenge.
This is because they are long and boring names. You should find names that are short and simple.
Here is a list of short and clever names.
- The Domain of Chestermere
- The Waters of Beauming
- Natathis
- Nautitin
- The Waters of Appletonas
- Voltutia
- Glacidor
- The Bay of Campriden
- The Depths of Joltona
- The Depths of Ogebour
- The Deep of Barringden
- Tritenoch
- The Expanse of Millsor
- The Domain of Matafil
- Merrei
- Cataris
- The Waves of Elpids
- Atlathas
- The Domain of Springfolk
- Aqumond
- The Ocean of Mennoque
- The Gulf of Bromdare
- The Deep of Emercester
- Neptcique
It’s a pain to have a long, unwieldy name. You can’t just be Kaitlin or Jane or Taryn. You need something that is specific and not too common.
Make it memorable.
Underwater city names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. When a name is easy to understand, it automatically fits in the sub-conscious mind of people and thus cratering a memory in their mind.
To come to know whether your selected name is memorable or not, say it a few times loudly and you will come to know if it’s memorable or not.
Avoid Difficult Names
Some names are creative but difficult to understand and memorize. Although they looks cool, they should be ignored. This is because they aren’t memorable. People try to avoid all the names that include hard to spell words.
Here are some examples of easy inspiring names.
- Geyrin
- Nericique
- The Deep of Everpids
- The Bay of Brimgamau
- Neptulin
- The Abyss of Falbridge
- The Expanse of Blainmar
- Expathis
- Navane
- The Waters of Effingbour
- The Deep of Applefait
- Levicada
- Achelona
- Salarei
- Aquira
- Salirus
- The Waters of Savastead
- Jutumari
- Ebiran
- Tharan
- The Waters of Bientawa
- The Waves of Hamgan
When a name has hard to understand and memorize words, it becomes quite impossible for the audience to understand it.